Author Topic: Fuck Sexism  (Read 125211 times)


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1020 on: September 11, 2011, 07:41:11 am »

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*hides behind a pillar* MERCY!!


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1021 on: September 12, 2011, 05:41:46 pm »
Quote from: Lord J Esq
Count the doubloons of humanistic social endeavor available under the framework of masculinity, and under that of femininity, and see for yourself the two are not even remotely equal.

Hmm. Having recently read a compelling case for families that maintain a home economy - based on economics and issues regarding sustainability and the environment - I'm not *quite* sure I agree, but a) my opinions are only just forming and b) I have a suspicion that I'm missing an underlying premise. I'll describe my initial response and see if that contributes anything to the conversation.

While there's certainly much less of a variety of endeavors historically available to females, homemaking and child-rearing seem like entirely noble activities for either sex, particularly when paired with a sense of civicmindedness. Though you couldn't overstate my problems with suburban Christian culture if you tried, in the end my mom's ideal life is something I can distantly admire: she wanted to raise her kids well and in a safe environment, maintain a thriving home economy, and be an active and charitable participant in her community. From what I can tell, this is a fairly traditional ideal; most of the conservative women I've been acquainted with endorse it.

So although I absolutely agree that gender was built to saddle females with the "inferior" occupations, I don't think those occupations are actually inferior -- in ideal circumstances, anyway. (I am rather skeptical that a career as a suburban housewife is helping humanity in any significant sense, lol.) Or, hmm, are you referring to something else?

Quote from: Lord J Esq
Trans issues and sexual equality issues are mostly unrelated, but it's inappropriate and unproductive for a handful of purists to play such an exclusionary game.

That's my feeling on the matter. What can you possibly gain by excluding transwomen from feminist events and women-only spaces? Transwomen did grow up with male privilege, and in this there is a significant difference between transwomen and ciswomen; but I'm hard pressed to see how this difference could result in any justification to prevent transpeople from participating in anything. I'm sure some transwomen are misogynistic, but the problem there is... well... you have a misogynist individual on your hands. God knows ciswomen can be misogynistic too. Kick them out on the street and move on!

Quote from: tushantin
Hate to break it to you but being gay is a personal/social choice, but so is falling in love (even though you feel your heart randomly picks your partner for you).

I'd like to hear you describe what "choice" is, tush. I know you study psychology. If you have the time, describe how you've come to conceptualize it, and how you arrived at the counterintuitive conclusion that events like discovering you're gay or falling in love are the result of a choice. (Maybe it's more like "countercultural" than "counterintuitive", but you see what I'm getting at.)

Because I know the stories of a number of gay people quite intimately, and I don't think it could be rightfully said that any of them made a choice as we colloquially understand the word. I do know for a fact that some gays have made a choice, as we understand it -- or a choice to act on potentialities, more accurately -- but I don't believe that's common. I particularly don't believe that's common with transpeople. But perhaps you have a more creative interpretation of what choice constitutes.  
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 05:52:59 pm by Syna »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1022 on: October 06, 2011, 05:58:04 pm »

Parents knowing the sex of their foetus has left Asia short of 117 million women, mostly in China & India, according to a UN report out today.

That figure used to be 40 million. Fucking asshole patriarchal societies. I hope they enjoy having a bunch of sexually frustrated, dateless men on the loose! I hear that does wonders for civilization.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1023 on: October 06, 2011, 06:43:14 pm »

Parents knowing the sex of their foetus has left Asia short of 117 million women, mostly in China & India, according to a UN report out today.

That figure used to be 40 million. Fucking asshole patriarchal societies. I hope they enjoy having a bunch of sexually frustrated, dateless men on the loose! I hear that does wonders for civilization.
Yeah. Dunno about China, but I worry about Rajasthan. Ain't no proper education there, and even if there is the biggest "fear" for families is dowry that actually leads to such horrors. When it comes to marriages, the Groom's side of the families demand impossible fortune, and it's crazy! Crazy, I tell ya!  :o

"Which one doc? A girl? OH GOD, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US?! A girl will be a burden, and at marriage... they groom's side will eat us alive! Girls are always a curse!"

 :picardno Insanity, I tell ya...
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 06:46:14 pm by tushantin »

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1024 on: October 06, 2011, 07:13:47 pm »
Parents knowing the sex of their foetus has left Asia short of 117 million women, mostly in China & India, according to a UN report out today.

That figure used to be 40 million. Fucking asshole patriarchal societies. I hope they enjoy having a bunch of sexually frustrated, dateless men on the loose! I hear that does wonders for civilization.

It's one form of the ultimate expression of sexism, and all the uglier because it subverts female reproductive rights--twists them, rather than revoking them completely as we are wont to do here.

Were it not for sexism, people could plan the sex of their children as a broader part of family planning based on other preferences, and it would work out by population size that there'd still be roughly 50 percent of each sex, including trans babies. But with sexism, it's very difficult to perceive the value of sex selection in a child amid the horrors of a society's writhing attempt to exterminate females.

China is going to change because that country is evolving culturally to a more sane place--although it will remain behind Western standards for the foreseeable future. India, I'm less optimistic about.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1025 on: October 06, 2011, 07:28:20 pm »
Still, it doesn't take a genius to see that shortage of females = shortage of grandchildren. I agree that this is ugly, but the ratios have to swing back in the next generation, or these countries are going to be depopulated big-time.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1026 on: October 06, 2011, 07:33:52 pm »
No they're not. Rather, they're not going to be depopulated because of gynocide. China and India are both growing in population at dangerous, unsustainable rates. (The danger stems from their absolute size.)

China, at least, is finally leveling off. "One child" didn't work...but industrialization is working.

Here are the population curves.

Edited for clarity.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 07:36:25 pm by Lord J Esq »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1027 on: October 06, 2011, 07:58:19 pm »
I acknowledge that those countries' populations are still growing right now, but I suspect it's going to take decades more for the consequences of the situation to play out completely. (And I also agree that industrialization--or increasing the standard of living in general--seems to be the most effective way of decreasing birth rates.)

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1028 on: October 06, 2011, 08:03:18 pm »
You're assuming that this hasn't already been underway for decades, which it has. You're also neglecting to consider that the populations of those countries--especially India--skew very young and wouldn't take a generation to manifest a gynocidal population falloff.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1029 on: October 09, 2011, 05:04:51 am »
Male privilege, as I understand it, exists only in the negative. It's not that males are privileged, per se. It's that females are anti-privileged. Here's a very good illustration

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1030 on: October 09, 2011, 02:04:45 pm »
Male privilege, as I understand it, exists only in the negative. It's not that males are privileged, per se. It's that females are anti-privileged. Here's a very good illustration
That WAS good.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1031 on: October 10, 2011, 10:25:37 pm »
Dr. Pepper Ten

"It's not for women."

The article mentions that part of this male-focused advertising campaign involves a Facebook page with apps that female users can't play or see, involving shooting things like high heels and lipstick.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1032 on: October 10, 2011, 11:54:41 pm »
The classic definition of "be a man." Sigh.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1033 on: October 11, 2011, 12:20:16 am »
Let's build a new Panama canal, and use the marketing team who developed that as slave labor.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #1034 on: October 24, 2011, 03:17:32 am »

What an ugly post. It completely misses the point of why abortion should be fully legal and accessible. It's not a "horrible procedure," any more than having a dentist drill into your tooth to fix a cavity is a horrible procedure. It's a procedure with a very specific objective in mind, and if you need or want that objective for yourself--specifically, if you want to not be pregnant and eventually give birth to a child for which you will be responsible--then abortion is the only ethical choice. It's also the only ethical choice in a variety of other scenarios too numerous to list concisely here. Yet the author of that disgusting piece says "I’d get rid of the bulk of abortions, if I could..."

That's the kind of thinking that ruins the lives of adults and children alike, and it gives fodder to the Jesus freaks on the right who want to fully outlaw abortion. How absolutely despicable. But what I really hate is how many "pro-choice" people take that view. The conservatives have dominated this issue so thoroughly that many people who stand for choice don't really. I don't share company with people who exult in that kind of ignorance.