Indeed, even if science did discover some practical benefits to it, I suspect Z would still demand that the religious rites surrounding it be eliminated. So there is really no way, based on Z’s criteria, for circumcision to be given a favorable verdict.
You'll notice that I qualified my criticisms with "IIRC the reduction of AIDs incidence in Africa from circumcision has been proven false" beforehand.
The hilarity is that you are using a god-of-the-gaps-like argument against a religious practice.
To inform our readers (since you're familiar of Dawkins I am quite sure you're familiar with this phrase as well, so feel free to skip to the next paragraph), the God of the Gaps argument essentially claims that when there are elements that science can not presently explain, those most be instances in which God is directly interfering with the universe. I believe it was Newton who, having established a model for gravity, actually hypothesized that God must have set everything in motion because his model of gravity did not provide a reason for why the planets move in a uniform direction and why they do so on a single plane. God was the explanation for the gap in his scientific knowledge. That gap has subsequently been closed as science has determined how the solar system (and the galaxy) formed. In short, it is claiming that because we don't know everything, God exists in what we don't know.
So, Z seems to be make a similar argument, but with important differences. Instead of God existing where Science does not yet have answers, he is inadvertently implying that justification for religious practices might exist where Science hasn't yet closed the gap. We don’t know, so hope can be kept alive. To attempt to be totally ridiculous, if science discovers that circumcision raises a child's IQ by 30 pts, cures cancer, and ends world hunger, then the practice of circumcision will have found a degree of justification.
The problem is that though there might be a degree of justification for the practice, under Z's criteria, there can be no excuse for the religious element of that practice. That is, if science discovers that circumcision does those outlandish things listed above, then science gets the honors and religion is just considered lucky for having blindly stumbled upon something advantageous. Consider the Jewish dietary laws regarding the consumption of pork; eating improperly prepared pork can cause more health problems than many other meats. Is kosher law praised because of this? Not really, the standard non-religious approach is that they reached this practice through observation (observation being the foundation of science). Doesn’t excuse the unwillingness to eat a cheeseburger (and Jews are totally restricting the experiences of a child and the possible culinary pleasures that come from combining meat and cheese… or something like that).
The religious rites surrounding circumcision would still be, to my understand of Z's stance, despicable and worthy of eradication. Better to have it done in a sterile hospital with a machine that goes PING! than by some religious figure with no "real" medical training, right Z?
So Z's justification-in-the-gaps implications for circumcision is really just a false hope for religion. It doesn't matter if it mutilates a child, it doesn't matter if it is traumatic, it doesn't matter if it initiates an individual into a society, it doesn't matter if there is even scientific evidence to suggest that it is beneficial. All that matters is that it is religious. Because it is, it is damnable.
... holy crap, Z's an LOLCat!
Passionate Zeality is Passionate.
Religious Circumcision is Religious.
Do not want
It all makes horrible sense now.
Anywho, this means that for the religious aspect of the practice of circumcision to be justified, it must be done so on religious grounds. Since Z's labeled those grounds as unjustifiable, it can't be done.
As a totally unrelated side note, ritual scarification might be more analogous to circumcision than tattoos, and if there are no medical reasons for circumcision, it might also be more analogous than vaccinations as well. Just throwing that out there.