Author Topic: Fuck Sexism  (Read 123120 times)


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #300 on: July 15, 2009, 02:40:00 pm »
I'll agree, Thought, that our main quibble seems to be over semantics. But those semantics are far more important than you might think. The difference between "discrimination" and "oppression" is similar to the difference between being "angry" and being "pissed the eff off."

Only if that is not a valid indicator of job performance. Those would seemingly be very valid considerations for a strip club, for example, where the product being marketed is physical appearance. Of course, then there is the question of if strip clubs could exist in a society with no sexism.

Of course they could. Strip clubs, and porn, while we're at it, serve an important biological function. This boils down to personal choice though. Even today, women aren't forced into these professions, and if they think its demeaning or below them, then they shouldn't do it. I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence to the end where women go into these professions due to emergencies or lack of funds, but really, there are dozens of opportunities out there even if the only thing you have is a high school diploma. You just have to quit looking for an easy way out.

As a side note, however, there are still organizations that are oppressive to women in the United States. The Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America are two such organizations that come to mind. This oppression isn't on the federal government level, or indeed even state government levels, but it still exists.

The boy scouts aren't oppressing women by only allowing men in. Its the Boy Scouts, for crying out loud, its a youth club.

I'm curious; we have a black president, so does that mean blacks are no longer oppressed or discriminated against in the US?

I don't think they are either, for the reasons you mentioned above.

If one makes a case that blacks are suppressed by white society or white CEO's, then I can make the equal case of white oppression by the black community at large, plus groups like the ACLU and the NAACP.

If a white man had been in OJ Simpson's shoes back in '94, with a jury consisting of people from L.A., would he have been convicted? Let me answer that with another example, if Rodney King had been white and was beaten up by a group of black cops, would the state of California and Los Angeles have bent over backwards to convict them, even trying them twice?

My point here is that, compared to race relations, the gender gap seems like gumdrops and ice cream. While sexism is still a problem, I think we need to take care of the hemorrhage before the cut on your finger.

I actually like this metaphor, as it helps to explain things easier. If the US was a human body, race relations would be a brain hemorrhage and the gender gap would be a cut on the finger. If you deal with the cut first you'll probably die, but if you deal with the hemorrhage without treating the cut, you'll be dealing with an infection.

But I would like to think that electing a black man as president was a huge step forward. Only in America can the son of an African immigrant and a white Kansan, both of whom lived in poverty, move upward to the highest office in the land. And only in America can the people, only seven years after a brutal attack and war with a man named Hussein, elect a leader with the same name.

And that's just in 50 years, without mandated "social justice." If that doesn't give you hope for the future, then you're a lost cause.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #301 on: July 15, 2009, 03:13:28 pm »
Women go to strip clubs, too.  No one talks about about the girls heading out to see some dudes chiseled out of rock because they're sick of their "ordinary man" at home, etc etc etc.  Of course, Chippendale's isn't quite like "The Classy Lady" or "Fully Xposed", but it is, like a lot of things, a two way street.  I've met women who work as strippers because they make way way way more money doing that than anything else.  They went in due to an emergency situation, but never left because of the $$$.  Is it the best moral choice?  Are their more rewarding options out there?  For them to decide.  No one forced 'em to stay once they got paid.

Thought, your words on Scouts confuse me.

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #302 on: July 15, 2009, 03:19:11 pm »
K I dunno how it got to this, but I've never worked in a strip club. All the jobs I was talking about were front desk positions at hotels. Jeez!


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #303 on: July 15, 2009, 03:36:04 pm »
I don't see the Scouts as oppressive because they have separate programs for girls and boys.

Its not like Annapolis or VMI, where they didn't allow women for the longest time, and its actually detrimental to their career.

Its hard to explain.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #304 on: July 15, 2009, 04:00:51 pm »
Thought, your words on Scouts confuse me.

Sorry. But the Boy Scouts, being an organization that specifically excludes women on an organized and official basis, seems like a group that, under Truthordeal's definition of oppression, could be said to oppress women (well, girls; there is ageism as well, but that’s a different topic). Likewise, since the Girl Scouts seem to endorse traditional stereotypical roles of women (you never hear of "boy scout cookies," do you?), it could be said to be oppressive since it is formally organized in such a manner.

I don't see the Scouts as oppressive because they have separate programs for girls and boys.

It's been established that separate seldom is equal. Consider being an Eagle Scout (a boy scout rank); it looks good on a college application. Do girls have an equivalent that is as significant?

EDIT: I misssed this at first:

I'll agree, Thought, that our main quibble seems to be over semantics. But those semantics are far more important than you might think. The difference between "discrimination" and "oppression" is similar to the difference between being "angry" and being "pissed the eff off."

Not important. The difference currently only exists in your head; if you want to discuss it, you first have to separate out, for everyone else, what exactly differentiates what you are labeling as oppression and what you are labeling as discrimination, and argue that such a distinction is necessary and prudent.

Failure to first establish a commonly accepted terminology makes all arguments based on that terminology pointless.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 04:19:30 pm by Thought »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #305 on: July 15, 2009, 06:17:47 pm »
It's been established that separate seldom is equal. Consider being an Eagle Scout (a boy scout rank); it looks good on a college application. Do girls have an equivalent that is as significant?

I don't think that having seperate boy scouts and girl scouts is considered sexist at all. In this case, I do this it means  seperate but equal. Also there is a girl scout equivalent of eagle scouts. Um, I forgot the name, but it's very similar and I remember in High School one of my friends had to do this massive project for her last criteria in the program. She ended up making an "astronomy day" for kids in the area where they came to our school for one saturday and were able to learn about planets in a fun way with us geeks from the astronomy club. This kind of honor and community service is just as good for college applications as eagle scouts. Anyway, I did some research and found this- . There are a lot more levels of scoutery and it's kind of confusing, but basically Girl Scouts is a very good counter part for boy scouts.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #306 on: July 15, 2009, 06:29:16 pm »
Moreover, as the courts have found, the boy scouts are a private organization and my operate as they wish. That's why so many kids were dragged out by their parents over the gay scoutmaster issue.

Its something extra, and both men and women are entitled allowed to be in it, as Zaichi showed. Its not like being in Girl Scouts rather than Boy Scouts is going to look worse on a college application.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #307 on: July 15, 2009, 06:38:00 pm »
Dark year for the Chrono community? How about having a borderline anti-Semite as its most vocal member? That seems worse to me than a moderately religious libertarian.

If my view is so far off the deep end, then why is it that Zaichi, a woman, statist and feminist agrees with me calling your rhetorical use of the word oppression as the bullshit crap that it is? You throw around the word like a groom at a Jewish wedding, not even realizing the consequences that that word implies. To say that women are oppressed shows a true lack of perspective.

Luckily, you are not the most vocal member of the Chrono community.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #308 on: July 15, 2009, 06:40:27 pm »
Unfortunately I am unable to find statistics that compare the number of Eagle Scouts vs Gold Awardees accepted into Universities; if such a study doesn't exist, it would be rather interesting if one were conducted.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #309 on: July 15, 2009, 06:47:52 pm »

Luckily, you are not the most vocal member of the Chrono community.

Yeah, we all know who is. And the internet community has given the Chrono community a lot of shit for it! Not that I really care or anything, but I really don't see the big deal in just about everything that Truth is proclaiming. Now, if he were the most vocal member of the Chrono community, I think that we would get the same amount of shit, or even less than we get now.  So there really isn't any difference.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #310 on: July 15, 2009, 06:51:06 pm »
Dark year for the Chrono community? How about having a borderline anti-Semite as its most vocal member? That seems worse to me than a moderately religious libertarian.

If my view is so far off the deep end, then why is it that Zaichi, a woman, statist and feminist agrees with me calling your rhetorical use of the word oppression as the bullshit crap that it is? You throw around the word like a groom at a Jewish wedding, not even realizing the consequences that that word implies. To say that women are oppressed shows a true lack of perspective.

Luckily, you are not the most vocal member of the Chrono community.

So, we've degenerated once again to taking potshots at someone just because they have a different worldview. Except this time you seem to have gone the extra mile to twist my words out of context.

Thought, about 5% of all Boy Scouts make Eagle Scout, and about 5.4% of all Girl Scouts gain the Gold Award. The actual numbers are probably off, but it seems that both programs have about the same level of difficulty in reaching their highest awards.

Recipients of the Gold Award who enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces may receive advanced rank in recognition of their achievements.[5][6][7] Some universities and colleges offer scholarships to Gold Award recipients. Yearly, GSUSA selects ten girls to be Young Women of Distinction based on their Gold Award projects.


I understand your argument, Thought. But it seems that the BSoA aren't slouches with their female program either. Separate does not instantly mean equal, true enough, but it doesn't necessarily mean unequal either.

In any event, I see your point. There does seem to be more prestige in earning Eagle scout, but that just might be because I never went into scouts myself(I thought the uniforms looked gay, not that there's anything wrong with that).
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 06:53:15 pm by Truthordeal »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #311 on: July 15, 2009, 06:56:20 pm »
Sorry, but as a holder of the Eagle Scout rank and someone who knows more than a little about this, I can say that men are disproportionately rewarded for it on their resumes than Girl Scouts; few people even know what their top rank is. I await the day that I will ceremoniously turn in my Eagle Scout rank in protest of BSA's no-atheists, no-agnostics, no-gays, etc. policies.

So, we've degenerated once again to taking potshots at someone just because they have a different worldview. Except this time you seem to have gone the extra mile to twist my words out of context.

Keep going. You've convinced virtually every viewer and participator of this thread of your ignorance and the absurdity of your positions. You're doing more for secular humanism and liberalism than you realize.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 06:58:38 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #312 on: July 15, 2009, 07:11:04 pm »
Zeality, you're on a very dangerous road here of condemning everyone that disagrees with you as ignorant. By doing so, I think we see who here's views are the most absurd. The fact that you don't even acknowledge our right to exist is enough to churn any reasonable person's stomach. Despite the constant demeaning putdowns and insulting rhetoric, I still respect your right not only to exist, but to think and say whatever you wish.

I actually have a proper excuse to invoke Godwin's Law right now, but of course that insult has been used so much on the Internet recently that it's lost all meaning, much like the word "oppressed" has in this thread. You made up your mind about me the instant I put that flag up, anything I say now is ignorant to you. You're even more close minded than the people you constantly undermine,  because at least those people seem to be reaching out rather than cutting all contacts loose. You're the exact type of extremist that you try to warn others against, except you happen to worship Richard Dawkins rather than Yahweh or Allah.

Edit: Ah screw it, why do I take the effort to reply to you. All it'll bring me is more grief.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 07:26:04 pm by Truthordeal »


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #313 on: July 15, 2009, 07:16:07 pm »
As a fellow Eagle Scout I see how there is that uneven balance on resumes.  Girl Scouts don't really get that much press/exposure/whatever beyond the cookies.  A far as turning in that Eagle Rank, don't forget all the good you learned on the way.  And it is their right to exclude whomever they wish, just as any gas station can refuse service to anyone for any reason they deem fit.  Doesn't mean they're not a bunch of asses for it, but they can.

And if we can all agree on something, I would hope it would be that those cookies taste good.  They taste good.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #314 on: July 15, 2009, 07:19:38 pm »
^ I want some girl scout cookies!
