You guys are so philosophical and analytical! This has been something I've sucked at all my life! Usually rhetorical and philosophical discourses either really irritate me, or just bore me, but not so much this time.
Z's posts are usually around 80% rhetoric, 20% Springtime of Youth, but that doesn't mean you necessarily have to fall in with his rhetoric to admire his passion and drive in pursuing his rhetoric.
Yeah, I agree. I do not fall into the rhetoric. I never have and probably never will, and as for the spring time thing, it's encouraging for me : ). This is kind of negative, but I almost feel like my spring time is over because I'm not nearly as active as I used to be a few years ago or more... but it doesn't have to be that way. I guess I just want to be selfish right now in my life and focus on building my career rather than pressing social issues that others fight about.
Zaichi, common sense dictates that if feminism is something you're not passionate about, or even feel yourself adverse to at times, then there's no reason for you to support it or the way it's being pursued. There are plenty of other, dare I say, more pressing, issues that require the attention of intelligent men and women. I think at the moment, feminism has a great deal of support with guys like Z, J and FW.
I used to be more passionate about environmental issues... the only problem with this is that the core issue of being an environmentalist is becoming at LEAST vegetarian... this is just something very hard for me to do, such a big change in my life. I'm not sure if I could do it... so I've kind of resigned myself to being more low key about that passion. I don't think it's a bad thing for men, well anyone really, to be interested in the feminist movement, but I am weary of the effects discussion on a web forum will be really helpful. If that's all you do, I"m not really sure that is so helpful at all... though if you take your discussions and apply it to the real world, I guess that is progress. It's like what I mentioned about the chivalry. How many men have actually been in relationships and tried to be as non sexist as possible with the "benevolent sexism"? I'm just curious as to how it works, I think it's a bias for me, but I can't see it work in my relationship. That doesn't mean it won't work in others, I'm just interested in the effects of this.
There's ultimately going to be a significant tug of war as our society, now shaped increasingly by feminism, tries to iron out more humanistic sexual norms. For thousands of years women were taught to cover as much of their bodies as possible, as if the feminine form was somehow inherently sinful, which was anti-humanist; now that the sexual revolution has taken place we're bombarded by images of bare skin, particularly within the context of marketing, and I would argue that this, too, is anti-humanist.
I do agree with the concept about men being animalistic being negative, but I don't really think there is anything wrong with any way a woman choses to dress. I'll explain. Like you said, a woman was expected for most of civilization to cover up as much as possible. Only in the last couple decades has she felt freer to dress in any way she likes. In Japan, I saw many more girls I would classify as "slutty" than here in the US. There may be a word for it... I know there is a word in Hebrew! Anyway, I shall try to find a picture of what I mean... , this isn't working right now... sorry.
I have tried to find an accurate representation of the kinds of girls I used to see every day, and this was the very best I could do because the rest of the pics I found were harajuku style fashion.
Well think those two girls, but with a TON of more makeup and strange hair style, shorter shorts, huge high heels ans really skimpy shirts no matter what the weather. My best friend in Japan was Israeli, there is a term for girls like that in Hebrew- "frecha" so a game for us would be to always make each other be aware of these kinds of girls by saying "frecha" whenever we'd spot them. Maybe the English equivalent would be "bimbo" or something.
Anyway, I kind of disrespect girls like this a little, but at the same time, I think it is perfectly respectable. These girls have nice bodies (most of the time anyway) and if they want to dress slutty, let them. The very nature of "dressing slutty" is really condemned. No matter WHAT you say, it has a very negative connotation! Dressing provocatively, looking like a whore... Maybe the best you can say is dressing in a skimpy outfit and no one ever says that.
I do admire girls who dress like that because they are showing their individuality and showing that they don't care about what others think of them. It is very feminist if you really look at it... as for society, society is what needs to change. We need to look at girls like that not necessarily that they are sluts, but that they have a legitimate reason to dress in any way they feel like. Can men dress like skanky girls and get away with it? Sure, if they like... but women naturally have the better advantage. I'm not sure if society is really ready to see men dress like slutty women. That is something it is not nearly prepared for. And I don't say that because it's good, it's unfortunate. It would make me , as well as a large chunk of the female population happy :3.
1. Be the best human you can be. This seems rather after-school-specially, but one of the best ways of addressing issues of intolerance, particularly in a society where there is a sense of social justice, is to be better than your opponents. I take my inspiration from a misheard lyric: one should be "more human than a human." When basically good people are confronted by great injustice, they will awaken and behave properly. The challenge is in getting them to wake up.
2. Be vocal. This doesn't mean talking about feminism, it means talking in general. Being the best doesn't matter if other people don't realize that you are the best. Self-advertisement is the key. People like the idea of being humble and saving the world, but if you are the best, then the world will get saved along the way.
3. Get involved with your community. For example, be a Big Sister (or Big Brother): helping children is a way to help stamp out prejudice while they are young. But perhaps you'll march in a local parade, become an intern for the mayor, etc. This puts you, as a woman, in a leadership role which is needed in society.
4. Hold society's feet to the fire. If you see negative sexism, make sure everyone and their mom knows about it. Write to congress, write to the president, write to the supreme court, write to newspapers.
5. A distant fifth would be to speak or write academically about feminism. Enough has already been said and written on the topic, now is the time when action is needed. But failing that, it can't hurt.
Thank you, that was very informative. At some point, I think I do want to be more active, but due to my unfortunate experience with environmentalism, I'm a little weary to be more active about anything these days. When I'm ready, I do want to do it... just not so much these days. I do write complaints and I talk about things on web forums, that is all I really want to pursue right now.