Most people who use MSN have probably seen their dating advice pages pop up in the log-on screen. Bother to read them, and you'll find that they've been consistently really, really bad. The latest one is just ridiculous: 10 Things Every Single Girl Must Own - sexism goes both ways in this. Some people do behave like this, so some of the tips do barely have (extremely) tenuous merit. Overall, though, they're vapid and gendered. I'm assuming this is written for the absolute lowest-common denominator. Here's a quick run-through:
1. A fabulous photo of yourself - "Daa-aamn, girl, you're hotter than I realised!"
MALE: Shit, now I really want to fuck this bitch! I was like "yeah I'd hit it" before but damn!
FEMALE: I am fundamentally UGLY. I must go to great lengths to look beautiful and manufacture illusion to ensnare a lay.
3. An Eminem CD
MALE: Haha, did she think I was going to actually like her for who she is? Hot fuck, this CD means she's just like one of the guys! I admire taste in music, and Eminem is an epicurean delight!
FEMALE: I cannot hope to have a relationship based on my true identity and tastes. I should get used to creating a home full of artifice and pretend to like things I don't.
4. A great pickup line…and a way to blow 'em off - "In this post-chivalrous period, we can't always depend on guys to initiate contact"
MALE: Men should be chivalrous, even if it's severely patronizing and reinforces gender roles. After all, she's totally a bitch if you hold the door open for her, but she doesn't put out later in thanks.
FEMALE: LIE! For god's sake, lie, lest you seem like a BITCH for *gasp* rejecting someone you don't want!
(Admittedly, lying is more than justified in getting rid of overbearing jerks or creeps.)
5. A six-pack of good bottled beer
FEMALE: Buy and drink shit you don't like, or be involuntarily celibate.
6. Bathroom reading - "Or, just buy a book that's made for the bathroom, like Schott's Original Miscellany by Ben Schott so he can learn a few things about shoelace lengths and sign language while he passes the, uh, time."
MALE: Nevermind that I'm already up to shitting in her bathroom despite the fact that we just started seeing each other. I want entertainment, goddamnit, and I'm incapable of appreciating any female-marketed literature.
FEMALE: I am so willing to please and desperate to serve my man to keep him that I must find ways to impress him, even when he's relieving himself.
8. Earplugs
MALE: I'm a stupid fuck who doesn't realize that snoring can be indicative of a serious medical problem, and I'm an inconsiderate asshole for not acknowledging its disrupting effect on those I sleep with.
FEMALE: God forbid I actually tell someone I'm seeing to go to the doctor for something or, you know, seek help for a condition that could totally blow my sleep for the entire duration of our relationship, or the rest of my life. No, that'd offend him, and he'd leave me. I must tolerate his insensitivity and ignorance or be lonely.
9. A straight male friend on your speed-dial
MALE: LOL @ empathy.
FEMALE: Despite being human, having a brain, and sharing the same earth and experiences with them, I am helpless to understand or comprehend men.
10. A condom
FEMALE: I have so little dignity that I am willing to date men who are completely irresponsible about their personal health, *my* personal health, and family planning/contraception. Oh yeah, this one's a keeper.