I need advice on something..
In my one literature class we're reading Miller's
The Crucible--set during the Salem witch-trials. To explain what
spectral evidence meant, the professor used me as an example. "Say that Ms. Sajainta [for clarification's sake--I'm not going to share my last name] has a high school teacher that she doesn't like. He's always going about school scowling and he gave her a B+ on an exam!" I was laughing along, because I thought this was amusing.
"Now Ms. Sajainta is in front of the court and is trying to brand Mr. McGurdy as a witch. "Why," she says, "He sent his familiar into my room last night. He came in my room, flapping his wings, and then he had his way with me." "
I stopped laughing and felt really sick. I couldn't even concentrate on what he said after that for the rest of the class period because I was so upset. I don't mind being used as an example for class, but I can't believe he did that.
To make matters worse, he knows about certain things. I have to tell all of my professors the first day of class the same spiel--"I have PTSD, I might need to leave class sometimes, I might not be able to discuss triggering material." I told him this the first day of class and I also brought up the potential difficulty I might have with reading certain materials laid out in the syllabus. He was understanding and even said I didn't need to do one of the readings, which contained a lot of elements of sexual abuse.
So the fact that
he knew I had been abused in that way and then described a scene, however brief, to the
entire class in which I was raped by a made-up teacher's familiar makes me all the more upset. I don't think he did it maliciously, just without thinking, but still. Does he not have any sense? Or any sensitivity? That was grossly inappropriate on all counts, and what made it all the more worse was that he knew that I had been raped in the past. Yet he said that anyway. To the entire class.
I feel like I should say something, but I don't know what to say. What should I do?
Ugh... I feel sick.