Thank you, Lord J Esq for mentioning everything I ever wanted to say and more. Denying abortion is blatantly sexist. I sometimes feel this country has regressed back to the dark ages, considering the horrible levels of female sexual oppression that exist currently. Just look at the government funded "Purity Balls", where young
girls swear their virginity to their
fathers and promise to wait until marriage. Adolescent females are swearing their virginity not to their mothers, not to themselves, not to their god, but to their
fathers. They are essentially giving control of their sexuality to a man. (It's pretty metaphorical for what the right-wing government and religious groups would like women of America to do.) Boys are not involved in these events - they have seperate events, where - you guessed it - they are taught to be "virginity warriors" for
women. People don't fret over male sexuality - it's female sexuality people aim to repress and control. A very enlightening book to read about society's approach to female sexuality is
"The Purity Myth" by Jessica Valenti. It's a real eye-opener!
But if its just an irresponsible teenager who had an "accident", I don't give a shit and its your own damn fault.
An inherently sexist attitude is revealed in this one line. "Irresponsible teenager" - singular. Last time I checked, women don't get pregnant on their own. Society loves to dump blame on the woman and often wholly leave men out of the picture. Women have to deal with carrying the child and the life-altering consequences of pregnancy. Men? They can run, and frequently do. Yet it's the woman who is often given the scarlet letter of shame, and labeled as "irresponsible", "stupid" or "whore". The man's involvement in her condition is often completey overlooked.
Also, on the subject of Dr. Tiller's death, I can't help but to notice the blazing hypocrisy. Pro-lifers... who kill. Whatever happened to "all life is precious"? I guess only republican, Christian, morally-conservative life is "precious". The irony also exists in the fact that pro-lifers are usually republican, which typically supports the death penalty, rights to firearms, and emphasis on war over diplomatic relations. None of these things are very conducive to life, to be frank. "Pro-Zygote" or "Pro-Fetus" might be a better term for them. Or even better yet, "Anti-Woman".
My vocal experience is limited to karaoke'ing Robert Palmer, but I want to say something like, even if you do have them removed and there's a slight difference, perhaps it can be overcome or even used to an advantage if it expands your range. This is a pretty unqualified opinion, but there are at least several good high-profile cases in which athletes or other public figures have injuries that threaten their livelihood and are told they'll never have it the old way again, only to lay down serious effort and do the impossible. Mental conditioning plays a lot in this recovery, so in addition to believing that they'll recover, believe with total conviction that you'll have the strength to overpower any hiccups from the removal. It's probably very painful to consider this, but as long as you engender that complete faith in your resolve and alacrity, you can rest knowing there will be a future no matter what the outcome. Make yourself an ∞ multiplier in this equation.
Thanks for the great support, Zeality!

Everyone else, too. I'll be mentally-conditioning myself for a positive outcome! I know Josh Groban said getting his tonsils removed in his early twenties helped him tremendously vocally, so maybe that will be the case for me as well.