I've seen male sexism before. Despite the fact that my father has supported both me, my brother(who suffers from an immune deficiency and needs monthly infusions), and his new ex-wife's kids, he doesn't get any assistance from the government, who is constantly requesting more aid for single mothers when trying to reform welfare.
If his divorce gets nasty, the stepmom will get the upperhand. In SC, the wife in divorce cases, especially if she gets the kids(me and my brother have or are about to move out) gets child support, and probably some form of alimony. Even nonmarried women can separate from their partner and demand "palimony."
To sort of tread back on the abortion topic, according to the law, the husband/boyfriend isn't allowed any input on the abortion process. If he opposes the abortion, well, tough crap for him. It's his kid too, with 50% of his genetic material, shouldn't he have a say in the matter?
I suppose it is the woman who carries it for nine months though, and should ultimately make the decision. But still, ideally we should aim to have both partners opt for the abortion.
There are double standards all over the place for men, but I guess I shouldn't consider it sexism, since the government's not trying to systematically take men's rights away. Of course, that's the same for women too.
On a lighter note, for every network like G4 or SpikeTV, that cater to men with such base things as video games, wrestling cars and scantily clad women, there's another Lifetime, Oxygen, WE, Lifetime Movie Channel, etc. where if any attractive man shows up in any movie, he's either abusive or a douche. I honestly don't see how it empowers women as much as it reinforces the negative patriarchal stereotype of men in general. Very rarely do the women survive their ordeals.
I'm certainly don't feel oppressed by this. I figure that women sometimes hate men and want an outlet for it, and men like cars and boobs and want something to satisfy that desire. Its human nature, not inherently sexist, and its certainly not hurting anyone of the opposite sex by it existing.