Hm I don't really know what you're talking about the rose thing. I have never experienced this, or even heard of it. If I did, I wouldn't mind, I'm sure it would be cute.
I'm not really old fashioned, but ladies deserve to be treated differently because they are ladies and they need to be shown that they are special. All of you may view that as inherently sexist, and I haven't ever thought of it that way, but even if I did, I don't mind if it is.
I try to hold the door back for all people, not women. I don't expect strangers to treat me differently because I'm a woman and maybe I have been, but I probably don't remember when/if I have. Any time a stranger treats me differently because I'm a woman is because they're hitting on me and want me and are propositioning me. All women deal with that, so I try not to be so annoyed by it anymore... it's just stupid and shooting down the guy does more damage than being propositioned unwillingly (to me anyway).
I am more interested in being treated differently in a relationship. My boyfriend is somewhat old fashioned and sexist. I mentioned this before, but the only thing that kind of annoys me is that he INSISTS on paying for everything because I'm a woman and women shouldn't pay for stuff XD; But I like being treated differently and even though i find it annoying, I would *possibly* not be in a relationship if the guy did not volunteer to pay for everything. I am Russian, and in Russian culture, the man is expected to pay for everything on dates because he is the man and he needs to show his "manliness" and generosity towards the woman by always paying for their dates. This has slightly changed in recent years, but my family has raised me with this mentality. I'm sure everyone here will call it wrong, but to me, it is wrong to discuss splitting the bill after every date. I do that with friends, but on a date, I expect the man to pay for it all, and then when i feel like paying for it (around ~40 percent of the time in my case, then I try to get my way and pay for it).
I'm sure my boyfriend does other sexist things that I don't even notice (yeah, because I'm used to it and like it). The date thing is the only blatant one, but there are probably some other things.... Well I can't think of too many right now,actually, maybe they'll come to mind later.
Anyway, the point is... 90% of women or more most likely like benevolent sexism in their relationships. I am pretty certain of this, and while all the guys here talk about how stupid it is, do you think the women in your relationships wouldn't like it? The next relationship you get into, try doing that some, especially at the beginning. I bet it's a real good way to solidify a relationship because women are real sticklers for that kind of thing. If you don't do it, perhaps the woman might not think you're gentlemanly enough and not want to go out with you.
Is that right or wrong? Maybe. I think it's right. I think that women expect to be treated differently by their boyfriends, and should be. I'm sure there are many relationships out there where the guy does not practice benevolent sexism and the girl doesn't mind... however, I'm not one of them, and neither are most women. Good luck in finding a girl who doesn't like benevolent sexism. There must be some out there.