Author Topic: El Nido  (Read 23894 times)

Foolish Boy

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El Nido
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:46:13 pm »
I may be flamed for this...but I had a question about El Nido. I haven't played all the way through Chrono Cross in a while so I'm not sure if this question is answered.

Where is El Nido in Chrono Trigger? If Zenan mainlanders start colonizing El Nido in 920 A.D. shouldn't it appear in Chrono Trigger? But there isn't any references to it in Chrono Trigger (again, not sure, haven't played through in a while). There is however many references to Porre in Chrono Cross. El Nido seems like it's just blocked off from the rest of the world, but in Chrono Trigger, you travel around in the Epoch around the whole world. I didn't see El Nido though...

Oh well, any help would be kool.

Eggith Cyrene

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El Nido
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 05:10:09 pm »
ok well You should start by reading the artices on the main site. They cover a wide array of subjects and will cover your question.

Its kinda hard to explain but "alternate timeline" seems the best way to sum it up in a nut shell. im sure someone else can offer a more comprehensive answer and feels like typing it all out.


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El Nido
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 05:17:47 pm »
El Nido is created in 7600 BC as a result of Crono's victory over Lavos.  The islands are not visible in Chrono Trigger for the same reason that the Black Omen is not visible at the beginning of the game.

Foolish Boy

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El Nido
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 06:39:04 pm »
k thank you. I started looking through the articles but couldn't find anything in particular. I've been visiting this site for a while reading the stuff, I've just recently joined the forums.

Foolish Boy

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El Nido
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 08:43:46 pm »
Wait, is it because FATE has hidden them?


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El Nido
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 09:41:07 pm »
No, they were not visible because they had not been created until you get done with CT.


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El Nido
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2005, 08:09:46 am »
Wait, wasn't there, like, one of the islands that was supposed to be there even before FATE? The one with the Green Dragon on it...what was it's name? Damn...


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El Nido
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2005, 09:36:52 am »
Gaia's Navel and Sky Dragon Isle (Sunken Dinopolis, soon to be Terra Tower) and i think Marbulu island was there before FATE interfered.

Foolish Boy

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El Nido
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2005, 12:21:27 pm »
But if they were created in 7600 B.C. They should be visible in Chrono Trigger, unless when they were created the dimensions split and the timeline without them was in Chrono Trigger. But that would not explain Chrono Cross being in the same world as CT.

They could not be created in 7600 B.C. and also created when you get done with CT. Because in CT, if you go back and change an event in time (ex. Fiona's forest), when you travel into the future, it is as if they were always there. And when you give the Jerky to the lady, she teaches her ancestors to be nice. So the once asshole mayor becomes nice and gives you the sun stone. This shows that when something is changed in the past, the direct future is altered.

So...if the islands were created in 7600 B.C. they should be visible in CT. This is what I'm getting out of it anyway. I was thinking this because the only way for them not to be seen for the reason of them not being made until after CT, would be that the timeline of the future and the timeline of the present run parallel to each other, meaning that if a certain event and all of the things resulting in it (Time Crash, and Chronopolis being thrown into the past and creating the El Nido islands) happens in a timeline greater than another (events in Chrono Trigger) then Event B is not altered, even if Event A is thrown into Event B's past, if you get what I'm saying.

And this simply cannot be the case because of the above examples resulting in the changing of the future. If you travel back to 12000 B.C, from 2400 A.D. in the Epoch and place the Sun Stone in the Sun Keep, it will be there in 1000 A.D. It won't simply disappear because the event of it being taken back happened after the point it time were it initially wasn't there.

And another thing. Saying the CT and CC are the same world, which they are supposed to be, just 20 years later, then why would it be there in 1020 AD and not 1000 AD. And how would settlers begin to colonize El Nido in 920 AD and it not be there in CT.

I was under the impression that FATE had something to do with keeping El Nido away in Chrono Trigger because it was FATE's paradise to let the time and events happen according to her plan up till the Time Crash. And in order to do this, she needed to close off the people of El Nido from the outside world.

Edit: Damn the more I read my stuff the more I sound like I make no sense. But if you need me to explain just ask.


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El Nido
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2005, 12:37:11 am »
Is Fiona's forest there the entire game?  Or does it appear only after you change history?  Thats the consept with El Nido.  At first, there is no El Nido, just maybe Gaia's Naval, which would be a tiny island unseeable on the world map.  Then, we get to 2400ad, and the Time Crash, where Chronopolis is basically sent to 7600bc.  After beating Dinopolis, FATE creates El Nido.  This can only happen AFTER you beat CT, because otherwise, there would be no Chronopolis to travel back.

Foolish Boy

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El Nido
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2005, 09:26:27 am »
Ahh, I get it now. Sorry time travel is confusing.


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El Nido
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2005, 10:27:39 am »
Quote from: Foolish Boy
Ahh, I get it now. Sorry time travel is confusing.

You almost made me think that time travel existed in the real world XD


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El Nido
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2006, 06:52:17 am »
I revive this topic with this stuff from GameFAQs:
Quote from: Ryu_Kaze (GameFAQs)
Do you have a quote on it being the 100th anniversary? I can't find it in the script. What I have found, though, is that the game script itself isn't consistent on precisely when the El nido began to be settled:

This manor was built
by the general's ancestors
100 years ago,
when people first began
colonizing the El Nido


[Porre Soldier]
It's been 100 years since
people first inhabited El Nido...
A lot has changed, but
the sea remains the same.


But several hundred years have
passed since settlers from the
mainland came to El Nido.


This was about a hundred years
ago, before immigrants from the
mainland came to El Nido.

...inconcistency? plot-hole?

Legend of the Past

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El Nido
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2006, 05:01:35 pm »
A form of speech, I think. Who's to say people started inhabiting El-Nido at 900 A.D. on the spot. Anyway, I can see myself saying at one time: 'The first world war took place almost a century ago' and 'Wow, the first world war was centuries ago...' To us, the past seems like something far, far away...


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El Nido
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2006, 06:41:21 pm »
. . . and sometimes we think of it as just yesterday