In the newest one, there's no difference in the face between Crono and Marle. None, it's like they have the same cheeks, jaw, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, even their expressions are uniformly blank in that first panel. Also, bighead Lucca doesn't look "pissed" enough if that makes any sense. If you're exaggerating the size of her head, her expression should be exaggerated as well, like eyes stuck closed and mouth wiiiide open with top and bottom teeth showing, spit flying out, the works! I just don't think you "nailed it" so to speak. The last two panels are perfect examples of what I'm talking about, the expressions are priceless there!
I mean no offense by my critique, but I really do enjoy your comics overall. You keep a very high standard in your line-work, coloring, and composition, and you should know that does not go unappreciated! And your backgrounds are very well-designed.