All the time, and in fact I write down and draw my dreams!
I'm gonna have to try showing the designs. It's always hard to do though, cause I'm only a quarter awake, even I have trouble deciphering my own hand writing later on thinking "Is that an M or an N? AGH!"
They always seem to be like some sort of adventure. Most recent Chrono related dream was me and some friends that just happened to be friends in my dream, not even real people as far as I'm concerned; working in a large super market. In the back storage area me and one guy went in. Loooooooooooooooong stairway, a floor for every letter of the alphabet.
We go down it and along the way we're crossing paths with Link, Spiderman, Robo(Chrono!), & the Ghostbusters
. We reached floor O, and entered a door to meet Pacman, Mario, and Frog and Marle. They also happened to have a massive army made up of characters from Chrono and Mario. I had become Sonic and my friend had become Crono. We'd leave and try to convince everyone else this game world exists. Like in real life, we'd proceed to be called crazy. He goes back while I'm explaining. Hours later (Yes, my dream had me working a job for hours, incredibly suck)my friend returns with troubling news of war. We head down and we find Queen Larsa(the hardest video game boss ever, Dr. Robotnik, and an army of Heartless attacking the game world. We all help to fight them back. The action I'd have to draw out for you, I still vividly remember it, for example me/Sonic running through the mountains, arms sticking out breaking them apart as I watched Crono in the distance stabbing one while surrounded proceeding to use Confuse but rather than slash inward at only one opponent he faced outside his circle slashing all. Afterward when it looked like the game characters could handle things we headed out, only to find along the way all those we encountered on the staircase were possesed by these blue flame spirits and were trying to kill us. So we had to avoid all the people at the begining of this paragraph(sadly that does include Robo). We get back to the door that leads out only to find we'll just fall back to the game world from I'd estimate around 1 mil. feet and kill ourselves. No escape.
At least i assume that, with everyone attacking us my dream's eyesight wouldn't let me keep track fo the doors! For all I know we made a wrong turn was all! Which could be changed by heading up more stairs(it did feel little shorter this time than before)!
That's my most recent, not even the best stuff I've had! I'm saving up my dreams thinking maybe turn it into a story or a game.