
Who is your favorite character?

6 (17.1%)
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Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition  (Read 5188 times)


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2009, 04:01:11 pm »
And what's wrong with that? Crono was meant to be a hero that's telling you "Hey! Maybe you should be a more decent person like myself! I'm bitchin, kickass AND soooo good that I get revived! You wanna get revived after you die don't you? Do the right thing! Make the above average choice!"

Or if you really wanted to make him darker, they could've simply added what they did to radiata Stories. A kick feature. Kick anything. And I mean ANYTHING. Including people!


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2009, 04:32:46 pm »
1. Magus - I'm a sucker for his badassery and awesome story other things like his script and music are just toppings
2. Crono - Because when I play CT I am Crono and I rock
3. Ayla - she is so mysterious after Cross with Leah
4. Frog - I felt bad for him, probably the first character I felt things for ever
6. Lucca - pretty useless but at least she was smart
7. Marle - she... um... had boob?


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2009, 07:34:37 pm »
I don't get how we're supposed to be judging them (I doubt everyone is following the same setup), so I'm probably not going to make a list now, but I voted for Magus...It'd be better if this was a more thought-out thing like the Special Event Polling for teh CC characters was...


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2009, 09:04:01 pm »
A thought, why is it always just the playable characters for these?
Guarentee Schala would more votes than some of these guys.
Bekkler would rip them apart.


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2009, 09:25:00 pm »
Schala based solely on CT would only make a small dent, I think...Lavos, now...


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2009, 09:55:14 pm »
1. Ayla
2. Magus
3. Frog
4. Marle
5. Lucca
6. Robo
7. Crono

Crono should honestly be on the bottom of the list, but his CE characterization stuck with me.

Edit: Yeah, putting Crono at the bottom of the list. Silent protagonists don't work in RPGs, and suck in a lot of other genres, too. It's the reason I haven't been able to get into the Zelda franchise at all; Link might as well be a magical mute refrigerator. It wouldn't make a difference with the character.

Ayla, on the other hand, is the definition of the springtime of youth.

Awesome! Someone who likes Ayla as much as I do XD. I swear, Ayla and Marle really don't get enough credit. They are awesome characters for many reasons. I almost always have Marle on my team and Ayla is very useful to have around since she's a physical character.

from: V_Translanka on Today at 06:34:37 pm
I don't get how we're supposed to be judging them (I doubt everyone is following the same setup), so I'm probably not going to make a list now, but I voted for Magus...It'd be better if this was a more thought-out thing like the Special Event Polling for teh CC characters was...

Judge them on whichever basis you like. It's a general judging, nothing complicated. i wanted to do this just to see if there would be a different result than 2004. I don't know anything about CC, and there are more than enough polls about that... and I mean that massive poll series going on right now about who the best characters are.

A thought, why is it always just the playable characters for these?
Guarentee Schala would more votes than some of these guys.
Bekkler would rip them apart.

There was a poll on the best minor CT characters that was very recent. I had looked through polls for a couple years and I didn't notice any general CT char poll... which is why I wanted to make an update.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 10:18:44 pm by ZaichikArky »


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2009, 11:19:53 pm »
Hmmm...alright I guess...

1. Magus - He's got a great design and we get to see him at 3 stages in his life (Janus, Maou/Prophet & then with Crono & Co.). I think he's one of the most inspiring characters as well. It's nice that you can think of him either as an unrelenting, supremely focused spirit of vengeance (OMG, FLAMING SKULL MAGUS WOULD BE SO EFFING AWESOME!!) or a driving force willing to sacrifice all to get back what he once lost. Also one of the most tragic characters (though they've really all got something)...As far as battle, he should be the most potent Magic user once you get him, and even when the others have caught up with him, he's still 4th with Dark Matter and with CTDS has a very decent physical attack as well. Plus, he's the most quotable.

Dammit, I just have a hard time ranking them because all of them between Magus & Marle kick ass...>_< Okay, no, I can do this~!!

2. Crono - Normally I too probably wouldn't rate a silent protagonist so high, but Crono is easily the best example of such. Plus, he's THE MAN in battle with the ultimate single Tech, Luminaire and a great physical tech with Confuse. Personality-wise, you can play him a couple different ways...Kind of cautious, reluctant hero (forced into things by Marle) or a guy who just does things as he sees them (& may even be an ass about it). His reactions to things is pretty neat for having to express himself mostly just through a couple sprites...but his sacrifice is key, I think and a really great scene as well.

3. Robo - I love me some robots, that's for damn sure. He plays like a sort of innocent character & is also incredibly selfless. Whether its giving up 400 years for a forest or offering up his own legs, he's always thinking of others...Plus, he's the only character that has to fight his love AND his mother (the equivalent would be for Magus to have had to fight Schala as well as Zeal). In battle, he's my go-to guy. The best party healing Tech, access to all Magic types but Water, 3rd best Magic Tech with Shock, along with Uzzi Punch makes him an all-around powerhouse...Just gotta cover up his Speed gap and low Magic Defense and this tank is ready to roll...of course, there's also CTDS's Apocalypse Arm, which gives you a new way to use him (and giving you the ability to get 9999 damage before Ayla levels enough to get the Bronze Glove)...

4. Lucca - I've got a soft spot for nerdy/dorky girls and Lucca is certainly one of those. She's the science wiz with a wacky, offbeat personality. Her present was molded by her past and her drive to protect people from technology with a heavy dose of knowledge. She also went on to be one of the key figures in CC. Flare makes her my #2 in battle and her new equip from CTDS, the Elemental Aegis, is nothing too shabby either. Plus, her alternate dimension goth, katana-wielding version is in Magness, ha!

5. Frog - I was never really a big fan of him. He just seemed to run away from his problems too much before Crono & Co. finally kicked his ass back into gear. With the retranslation though, the fact that he has an incredible sense of empathy, even as a child, shone through and made me like him better (and strengthened my resolve that it doesn't make sense for him to fight Magus on the Cape). Ever the conflicted knight character. In battle, I'd put him only above Marle. He's not as good at healing as Robo and his physical and Magic techs aren't great either...Frog Squash is only good if he's low, which means you have to have another healer on standby to sustain usage...The scenes with his flashbacks and his redemption with the help of Masa & Mune are some of the best scenes, though.

6. Ayla - A great character, don't be fooled because I put her so low. Not a lot of bi characters in RPGs made her really unique...add on the fact that she totally bitchslapped that douchey guy Kino (totally deserved it!) and gives one of the BEST SPEECHES IN RPGdom...oh, and she's a powerhouse in battle as well. Tail Spin is as powerful as Robo's Shock and counts as a kind of non-elemental Magic (though it's got iffy range)...Triple Kick is probably up there as most powerful physical Tech and she's got the highest critical hit % (though it falls once she gets Bronze Fist, that's only because it becomes a 9999 hit attack)...She's also got some good new Relic in CTDS. The one thing I don't really like about her is that Prehistory is just my least favorite era to stomp around in. She deserves more respect than she usually gets.

7. Marle - Someone has to be last. She's probably my least favorite character though she has some touching moments as much as anyone else. In battle she's easily replaced with Haste Helms...her only power lies with relying on others to help her out because Ice 2 isn't really going to be helping you out and she doesn't have any multi-targeting healing Techs, which to me makes her nigh-useless. I think CE did a wonderful job making her not suck so much (though solo-Marle stuff was BRUTAL). I don't usually enjoy these types of free-spirit Princess types, but she would probably top the list of such. The scene with her & Crono atop Death Peak (don't give me any of that "it doesn't have to be Marle" BS either) is one of the most touching in all of RPGdom.

I could easily see switching Frog & Ayla's spots, but I think Frog wins out because the long-haired human Glenn sprite was so kickass.


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2009, 11:52:32 pm »
a guy who just does things as he sees them (& may even be an ass about it)

Judging by the brief manga that was shown in... crap forgot but I bet someone here knows what I'm talking about, I'd bet THAT'S moreso what he's like. Specially what with the not returning Marle's necklace right away in the manga  :lol:


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2009, 07:37:26 am »
Hmmm...alright I guess...

5. Frog - I was never really a big fan of him. He just seemed to run away from his problems too much before Crono & Co. finally kicked his ass back into gear. With the retranslation though, the fact that he has an incredible sense of empathy, even as a child, shone through and made me like him better (and strengthened my resolve that it doesn't make sense for him to fight Magus on the Cape). Ever the conflicted knight character. In battle, I'd put him only above Marle. He's not as good at healing as Robo and his physical and Magic techs aren't great either...Frog Squash is only good if he's low, which means you have to have another healer on standby to sustain usage...The scenes with his flashbacks and his redemption with the help of Masa & Mune are some of the best scenes, though.

Well I don't agree with your opinion of Marle, but you already know that, don't you! I agree with your opinion here, and I find it very unfortunate. Frog is my favorite character due to his music, back story, and characterization. When you first get him as a playable character in the game, he does well for me. His speed is decent as is his physical attack. However after a certain point, I just can't really use him effectively in battle at all... all the other characters' double techs are better than any double tech he has. I can't really think of one that I like. Also, he is the 5th in terms of physical strength, which also gets him down... even if the masamune is powered up. I think that his move set could have really been thought out better. It's like the creators just gave him this awesome character and back story and then didn't really care about his strength in battle...

Still... IMO the best scene in the game is when Frog slashes through the cliff and decides to go after Magus. I still remember playing that over 10 years ago. It still is really fresh in my memory because until that, I thought CT was just kind of an alright game that my friend was forcing me to play, but after that scene I was very, very enthralled... I had never played an RPG before and it just somehow really moved me : ).

I hope that his move set was improved upon in CE.


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2009, 01:51:51 am »
Ok, I think I have decided to officially close this when I get back from Australia, so everyone please get your rankings and votes in! I will make an average of all the rankings and we will have a more accurate ranking list... then the next step may be to write how we feel about the results : ).

Thanks guys : D :


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2009, 06:38:23 am »

1. Ayla
2. Magus
3. Crono
4. Frog
5. Robo
6. Lucca
7. Marle

1. Ayla

Ayla, on the other hand, is the definition of the springtime of youth.

Ayla's character is the best in so many ways, IMHO, she has it all.
What amuses me is that they made Ayla as the full contradiction of the stereotypical women (before modern times), not only personality-wise, but also with her physics (blond). She's strong, she has more balls than anyone, she makes you laugh, and she's effin smart, some of the best quotes of the games are said by Ayla... it's just fun how people dismisses her because of the way she talks  :kamina


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Re: Rate the Chrono Trigger Characters- 2009 edition
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2009, 07:01:57 am »
1. Ayla
Great quotes, fun personality, great attacker/healer/thief, her character has a great spirit (hate to mention CE again here, but they portrayed this greatly in her Frozen Flame scene), she doesn't need a super-tragic story to kick ass, she's just what makes the game lively without pulling the cute airhead card (I'm looking at you, Marle).

2. Magus
He's the one with the dramatic story, haha. I'll resume it saying that he represents all the story of Zeal, PLUS the story of  600 AD, there is just so much Chronoverse condensed in this character. He's not in number one because he has no boobs. I've said it, that's how it is. He's in Radical Dreamers, so extra points too!

3. Lucca
Actually, this is a little biased, I love the whole mythology of her character in the Chrono Cross world, it's HUEG. She inspired both Radical Dreamers and Magical Dreamers, she has passion, and at the same time she's a genius that gets to do great things with the timeline, starting from creating the Gatekey to taking part in bigger problems, until her meeting with Lynx.

4. Frog
Frog to Marle: "You've lost your friend before your very eyes, there are no words to comfort you.", he's the little boy who grew to be a brave valiant knight, without becoming a douchebag, AND he has a strong straightforward personality, calling Magus a pale-faced bastard and all. He likes to show around (victory pose, yeah!) but somehow keeps a humble air on him. His story with Cyrus was pretty well done, usually has good things to say when you have him in party.

5. Marle
A little airhead-ish character, specially in the japanese version, but holds something good in her. Very dramadramadrama scenes, and the love interest of the main character, she's often trying to show that she's more than a pampered girl, so that's nice.

6. Robo
You turn him on, he tags along, develops feelings, friendship, love, baww, etc, cool story bro. Actually his duel with Atropos is awesome, and he also has some mythology in Chrono Cross.

7. Crono
COME ON!! He doesn't even CHOOSE to save the world, Marle and Lucca just pussywhip him around and he just says "do_ó!!", he's the epicenter of the story, but never really the center.