I'm gonna pick one people may know. Lots of bad games, and tho Mystic Quest wasn't great, there was an X factor in there if you can get into it. On paper, it sucked, and like FF6, the dungeons were too long.
For me, worst RPG I ever played was Chrono Cross!
Yes really. I thought it's music and stuff was decent but the excess of characters made everyone seem so 'generic' in reply. And this was years before I knew about multi-plot games like Saga Frontier.
The problem with Chrono Cross was the storyline as a concept. In fragments, watching someone play it you might think its part of some awesome and long RPG like FF7. But when you really get into it, it just feels like... a generic RPG. Like it wasn't made with a dreamteam, with love, or passion or a real desire to create something. It felt scripted like it was a boss telling his subbordinates to make X Y and Z by a certain date. I for one felt that it was a generic RPG that rode on Chrono Trigger's coattails. Without knowing of radical dreamers there was NO connection for a lot of people, and its like someone took the last version of the script and threw in some words like "arris dome" and "chrono trigger" in there and made a couple references to ride on CT's coattails. This game was Mario 2. A game made from another factory with a stamp on it, a few CT words bolted on just to sell a few more copies. If this game was sold in america with a name like "seiken densetsu 4" it would have been a total flop. The whole ending, you hear that speech and then just...lets toss in the name Schala and say she's been the ultimate enemy. I was like what the hell? This was outta nowhere.
I played through all of Chrono Cross JUST because I love Chrono Trigger as my favorite RPG ever made. Otherwise I wouldn't have finished it, no question.
P.S. Screw Capcha