I like your idea for this TCG concept you've got going here. When I first saw this thread, it got me thinking about the "Heroes of Guardia" card game from CT Unglued.
Exactly what TCG system were you planning to model it after... or were you trying to come up with an original system? I must say, though, the second option would be a lot harder to pull off.
As for your list, in this order (these are just my ideas and are totally optional to this game):
1: What will the theme of it be, if any?
Wars across the eras, of course. A Pre-determined era will be chosen via an Era Card. This card will come with attributes for a specific era. Later in the game, if someone uses a card that changes eras, it will replace the original Era Card.
2: Game Setup.
60 cards in a deck, six cards in a hand at max (Unless you have a card that allows you to exceed the limit, which there probably will be).
Six Sections: Deck, Graveyard (right of the deck), Monsters at the center front, Characters in the center back, Spell and Item cards in the upper-left section, Event and Location cards in the upper-right section.
3: Card Types.
Monster: Enemies from any era (Reptites, Mystics, Robots, etc.) to form your army
Event: Uses any significant event and sidequest in the Chrono games to your advantage.
Character: Both PC and NPC characters from any of the Chrono games.
Item: Need I say more?
Spell: Must match character's base element to be used.
Miscellaneous: Does not fall under the above categories (I thought of a Location card and the aforementioned "Era" Card)
4: Gameplay. Hows the game going to be played?
Draw Phase: Draw your card.
Main Phase: Use any Spell and/or Item card(s) you have.
Combat Phase: Attack your opponent.
Main Phase: Use an Event card
End Phase: Self-Explanatory.
5: The Actual Game: How we gonna do it?
Why, Make it an interactive Flash Animation Game. The Compendium will be the sole "factory" for what cards get produced and who gets them (e.g. the more you post, the rarer the cards you can get). Everyone would get a starter deck, and moderators would be responsible for creating "booster packs."
* * * * * *Anyways, this is just my idea of its setup. What says you, IAmSerge?
Also, what name for this TCG did you have in mind?