FF 12 is the only rpg I've played that isn't old school.
I've heard FFXII is amazing. Is it? My boyfriend's says it's his second favourite game (his first one being CT
I found it a so-so game that was more style than substance, myself, although I did finish it
(I even did 90% of the optional sidequest stuff). The story started out promising, but
then sort of fell apart about halfway through, and I tend to play RPGs at least partly for
the story, so... ::shrug::
I did not particularly like the combat system, or, to be more accurate, I felt that placing
what was essentially an action RPG in the Final Fantasy series was misleading (actually, I've
had similar problems with every game in the series since FFX). FFX-2 had already seriously
damaged my interest in the series with its real-time combat setup, and FFXII all but
destroyed it. As a result, I will not be buying FFXIII unless I have an opportunity to test-
play it first, or at least to read the manual so I know what I'm getting into. However,
all the features of FFXII that made me dislike it might easily do the opposite for someone
who is
not a heavy-duty RPG addict--the semi-realtime gameplay and lack of obvious context-
switching would probably make it more accessible to someone accustomed to action-type