Author Topic: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?  (Read 5294 times)


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Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« on: September 30, 2009, 04:21:44 pm »
When I say relate to, I don't just mean in physical traits. (I mean, who here can honestly say that they have the thick spiky hair of Crono or Schala's long, voluminous blue hair?)

I'm talking about in terms of personality, weaknesses, strengths, and so on.

Me?  I relate most to Robo.  

I feel like a lot of what I do throughout the day is mostly automatic.  I have a conscious mind, but it only helps so much.  Sometimes, I wonder about what I plan to do for the rest of my life (isn't that what the Springtime of Youth thread is for?)  In the end, I prove myself to be strong-willed and independent.

I'm sure we'll have lots of fun with this one.  :D

Edit: I forgot to mention that it isn't limited to just Trigger.  It wouldn't be fair, so Cross is included as well in our scope of character relations.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 04:28:34 pm by GenesisOne »


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 04:43:41 pm »
I promise I'm not being fangirly, but I do relate to Magus more than anyone else.  I'm solitary, incredibly pessimistic, and very misanthropic.  I'm very revenge-based (although it's a complicated form of revenge).  I had a pretty shitty childhood and adolescence, which made me bitter and deeply distrustful, but it made me stronger as well.

The main reason I relate so much to Magus is because I lost someone who was very, very dear to me a long time ago and I would do anything to get them back, and I would do anything to seek vengeance for their death.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 05:46:38 pm »
Well this one's pretty hard. I know jack squat about the characters in Cross, so I'd have to be somewhere between Marle and Lucca. I can be cheery and optimistic quite often, I like helping people without reason, and I am very sheltered when it comes to certain topics. On the flipside, I'm a complete and utter nerd. Most school-related subjects come naturally to me, provided I actually take the time to study. While I'm not as much of a scientist as Lucca is, I'm just as passionate about art as she is about science. And, of course, there's the weird hair colour and the inability to keep a clean bedroom.
So what does that make me... Marcca? Lule? Nadiacca!

(Does this mean we all have to be Sajainta fangirls now?)


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 08:17:37 pm »
I dunno.

I'm pretty hard at self judging.

I guess Gaspar. Namely for the fact that while I hardly ever intervene in anything, I always get to observe everything and from looking at someone can almost spot on break down what kind of person they are. Sometimes I've even made some money off acurately shaping exactly what kind of person certain people are. It's sometimes kind of wierd. I can be right in front of you and unless I purposfully make myself known no one will even recognize that I'm standing right next to them. It's like being a daylight ninja.

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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 10:48:19 pm »
Frog. Several years ago I lost an older sibling to whom I was very close, and most people I know IRL don't even know about it, which is sad. It really shaped who I am today, and has desensitized me to a lot of emotions, and instilled a permanent "don't cry over spilt milk" philosophy. The way I see it, a breakup or a fight or having to pay more than expected are not cool things to happen by any means, but they don't cause anybody to die. They're not that bad.

Frog tended to exile himself when he thought he hadn't met his own standards. I punish myself more than anybody else punishes me and I stay alone as often as possible (I actually really enjoy it, but I never get any time to myself so make what you will of it).

Plus I eat flies. (<--Nah.)


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2009, 01:59:40 am »
So what does that make me... Marcca? Lule? Nadiacca!

You could be Luccarle too.  :D

(Does this mean we all have to be Sajainta fangirls now?)

YES. :twisted:

Bring on the fanfics and fanart.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2009, 03:09:40 am »
Schala/Sajainta fanart and fanfic now?


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2009, 05:22:39 am »
I was thinking for the longest time about making a thread where everybody could describe their RL personalities in terms of single characters or combinations of characters.  I was curious about how people would describe themselves since several people on this forum now know one another's RL personalities.  Heh, I was also curious as to how people would disagree with one another.

The answer to that thread would have been pretty easy for me.  My RL personality is Lucca with a splash of Janus and Ozzie.  Nerdy, thoughtful, somewhat dour, and generally weird.

As far as relating goes, as in being able to see eye-to-eye with somebody, I'd still have to go with Lucca since we're both significantly involved in technology.  We could go to DEFCON together.  Hah!

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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 01:05:10 pm »
I relate the most to Lucca, via her deliberately rational mindset, her intuitive objectivity, her particular brand of optimism, and to a lesser (but still important) extent in her concern for those laid low by the many injustices of convention. The game writes Crono as the nucleus of the party, but I think it's Lucca who really brings them all together with a team spirit and a sense of common purpose. Of the entire main cast in CT, she seems the least hampered by stereotypes, and therefore the most relatable of them.

I also strongly relate to Spekkio, Magil, and Ayla.

Spekkio really is “delightful,” if you can imagine that word being used as “full of delight” rather than “delighting others.” This is an important characteristic in my personality, and so I relate to him fervently. The setting for his delightfulness is also appealing: He's deep down a very just person, but on the surface he's a total shit. The good thing is that he's not mean about it. Instead, he comes off as more of an eccentric, and I like that. (“I AM THE MASTER OF WAR!!! Walk around my room three times!! Muah ha ha ha hah!”

Magil is so relatable to me because of the way he carries himself. His excellent composure, his elegance, his dry wit, his mystique. I think many of us can and do envy such traits in a character, but I'm one of those who can actually relate to them as well. Not Magus (nor Guile); only Magil. Magil's aloofness is thorough enough that, except for what is explicitly revealed in the story, Radical Dreamers tells you nothing about him. All the rest is up to the imagination!

Ayla, of course, is perhaps the most insightful, lucid, and undistracted person in the series (except when yummy frogs show up), and she has that vivaciousness that we all admire. I can relate to her love of life and her incredible knack for boiling things down to their constituent truths.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 07:33:13 pm »
Schala/Sajainta fanart and fanfic now?

She's not my relative, so why not?


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2009, 05:50:53 pm »
I would actually say Magus too.

I hate most things and i am pessimistic, but I do care strongly for my siblings.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2009, 10:04:51 pm »

Dalton - The ability to find humor in the darkest of times.  Charisma to the max.  Gorgeous hair.  Ok the last one is up for debate I suppose  8).

Marle - I'm not satisfied with "where I'm at" so to speak, and will kick some ass to get there.

Robo - Willing to accept change, willing to instill change.

Dalton/Ozzie - The uncanny ability to destroy just about any plan, no matter how foolproof it seems at first, no matter what the plan may be actually about.

Lucca - Operating largely out of spite and regret.

Frog - An inability to let certain parts of the past go.  Also, a genuine FEAR of being the BEST.

Queen Zeal - It can be easy for me to lose sight of what the real goals are at times, and the sidepaths can be destructive.  Not too far off from Lucca.

Kino - Jumping to conclusions without knowing the whole story.  Has lead to some rather regrettable moments.

Serge - I sleep in too much at times.

Strange, I felt it was easier to point out negatives and weaknesses, anyone else experience this?


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2009, 10:39:15 pm »
I like this thread. I kind of wish there was a polling option, though. But I guess it's hard when you consider all the Cross characters too.

I know that I definitely don't relate to Magus at all. I also don't relate to Robo(he's too nice all the time and I'm more aggressive). As for the others, I see myself a little in the rest ofthem.

When I was younger, I'd have probably said I'm most like Ayla. When I was younger, I had somewhat excessive ADD and I had trouble controlling myself. I had too much energy and ran around a lot and caused trouble. I was also ditzy and didn't care about a lot of intellectual things and a terrible math student. The one thing is that I never beat up people or went out of my way to fight and be violent... that was my mom. She said that the main reason I didn't beat up people is because it's forbidden in the American school system. She beat up a lot of boys when she was growing up. No boy dared to cross her. I kind of wish I was the same. It would have been nice to beat up all the boys who were mean to me growing up! Girls were just kind of snarky and snotty to me, boys were far crueler!

I think that I am most like Marle and Ayla together. I'm very brave like Ayla. The only thing I have really ever been scared of are things popping out at me and bugs falling on me. I'm not scared of any of the things people are typically scared of, and I'm not afraid of doing things alone. I'm kind of a loner. Ayla has demonstrated her bravery, obviously, but has also demonstrated she is brave enough to go at it alone and protect others. I'm protective of my female friends because I'm the biggest, strongest, butchest one of them all.

I'm like Marle because she is considered a Tomboy and I have always been a tomboy. I have been getting a little more feminine as I age, but I always liked to explore new things and be energetic. I also am stubborn and got into spats with my dad because he is protective and likes to try to control me a lot, even today. My dad also sometimes likes to try to force me to be what I'm not, and I relate to Marle in that too. I also like cute things and sweets. I can be immature and ditzy at times, but I also know when to be serious. Physically, I'm far from her and more like Ayla, though. I work out at the gym and do upper body weight machines regularly... I really like to try to build my upper body strength. And since I'm fat, I have big boobs! MWA.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2009, 05:46:50 pm »
I like this thread too.

I'd say I'm most like Norris from CC.  I try to let my own personal philosophy be more important than the things people want me to do.  For instance, I'd disobey a direct order to stop an innocent from getting tortured by my own men.  At the same time though, if I commit myself to something, I do my best to stay loyal and at the least, not abandon it (like Norris and his country).  Also, I like guns.  So that's a plus.


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Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2009, 08:32:10 pm »
One of those personality quizzes would come in handy right about now... make sure it's accurate though.

I would have to say hmm... damn this is a toughy. I will put some thought into it and post later... I do know that I can't be an Earthbound one as I am keeping the Dream of Zeal alive, I want to make a difference. I want to have flavor to my days. I want to instill my will upon history, good or bad, I want to be apart of it.