Oh, yeah, CE. I teared up definitely when I watched video 82 and saw King Zeal while "The Devil" from An Ciunnuint played. FaustWolf couldn't have chosen better music for that.
And that music...it captured all the tragedy of King Zeal, even as he stood before the party in his intended hour of triumph. His tragic death at the Frozen Flame in the original timeline; his being deceived by Lavos; his painful, cathartic revelation that Zeal had been destroyed after his death in the timeline; his sad state upon the North Cape...I wanted him to win. I gave him, through dialogue, the possibility that he'd really succeed in dominating the Dream Devourer in fusion—that he'd successfully become a God of Dreams with which to serve the timeline for the better. He could restore Zeal; he could create a new Zeal a thousand times better than the old. He could heal time all over history, and grant transcendence to all sentience. He could enlighten and illuminate the world.
And all that potential was carried in a dread heart rendered cracked by all the tragedy that had befallen it and the kingdom under its charge. And then, moments later, that potential would be destroyed by the "Heroes of Time", who acted upon some sense of fear for safety and the status quo. It was preceded by that glorious speech, and that beautiful, melancholy music.
But hey; I made sure King Zeal is left alive at the end of CE...
Step inside the heart of ambition!!