Author Topic: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration  (Read 2761 times)


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Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« on: October 18, 2009, 07:48:10 am »
I have a feeling this may be an old discussion, but if I'm not mistaken, if the two timelines did become one then Schala would have never merged with Lavos and Project Kid would have never happened, thus Kid would have never been "born".  The character summary on this website states that Kid's declaration of independence suggests that they wouldn't merge, when the only real evidence to suggest that they did is Schala alternating between characters and also speaking as if she were with the party in the opening cutscene.  The sad truth is that Kid would have been written out of history and thus, never existed.

But, I think Kid's declaration could have been the thing that merged her personality with Schala.  She is shown to be incredibly strong willed and may have caused parts of her personality to imprint itself on Schala.  Maybe it was her declaration of existence that saved her from being removed from it.

It also doesn't hurt that she carries around an incomplete time egg.  That combined with her sheer willpower may have been enough to save herself.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 07:11:07 am »
Seriously?  No one has anything to say about this?  Must've been an older discussion than I thought.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 02:19:43 pm »
Well, as for me, i don't like the idea of Schala-hime being merged with Kid. But i have different reasons. Mostly because i greatly dislike Kid as a character. Blond hair, blue eyes, stupid accent, much less brains than her prototype magic (screw the element system!)...
I prefer the idea that Schala, seeing that her clone has become an independent person, just let her be and went off by herself. I don't think that she would like her head being filled with "Serge, i miss you! Serge, i'll find you!". To her Serge is nearly no one. Just the boy she saved (Everyone knows she is a caring person), just the tool to reach freedom (Well, she never planned it to that part...but still...Maybe she isn't much different from Janus and Zeal...manipulating everyone to reach her own goals)
Schala alternating between characters and also speaking as if she were with the party in the opening cutscene.
Emm...the opening cutscene is the first part of the final one, when Schala "Kid" Zeal closes the book she has been writing. That is not an evidence. You can use it to prove both versions.

P.S. sorry for some mistakes in my english. I'm not a native english-speaker.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2009, 05:58:13 pm »
Emm...the opening cutscene is the first part of the final one, when Schala "Kid" Zeal closes the book she has been writing. That is not an evidence. You can use it to prove both versions.

That's true, I guess.  I read the plot summary (because it confused me) and it stated that Schala was writing the journal.  Obviously Schala wasn't in the party ever, so why would she do that?  I don't know, this is just speculation.

Also, I'm not really counting what someone would want to happen.  I don't like the idea of Kid and Schala merging either, I'm just looking for what conceivably could have happened.  Like for example, sometimes the things you really don't want to happen to a character happens, happens.  Like, say, he dies or something in a situation more likely to kill a minor character and it comes rather suddenly.  The idea of having any character able to die at any given moment is a good way to keep suspense going and it also makes the audience face a sad truth once in awhile, just like the surviving characters who just saw a friend die.

I'm not saying either of the Chronos does this, but sometimes what the audience doesn't want is the best thing to keep a show or game series exciting and immersive.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2009, 06:04:43 pm »
Why should Schala and Kid merge?

Kid is, after all, not Schala but rather a "daughter-clone." She's Schala, yet a physically and mentally distinct being. Her creation wasn't dependent on the dimensions merging.

... actually, why are the Dimensions even merging? I think Belthasar says that Serge must weave the threads of time together again, then Schala, after being saved, says that the divided time is becoming unified again, but why? What is causing this merging? Might it just be a rhetorical device, indicating that that which had been in conflict will now be in peace (sort of mirroring the hopes of various party members that humanity will be able to live in peace with the planet)?


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2009, 06:16:56 pm »
Maybe, but that's what it kind of suggested so I'm trying to make sense of it if that's what indeed happened.  Isn't that what the Chrono Cross is supposed to do though?  I might be wrong about that so don't quote me on it.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 06:19:22 pm »
Sorry, I wasn't clear. The game does indeed make it clear that the dimensions are mergin, but why are they merging? On the surface, it makes no sense since no action seems to have been taken to merge them. If the merging itself can be better understood, then the subsequent merging of Schala and kid might likewise be better understood.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 06:24:09 pm »
I'm pretty sure that's what the Chrono Cross is supposed to do in The Darkness Beyond Time.  It's ridiculously complex and I don't understand it fully, but there's a page on this site that explains possibilities for both theories.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2009, 10:19:53 pm »
Right, and the thing about this particular theory is that it's a bit of a challenge to substantiate. The [re]unification of dimensions is tricky: you have people who survived in one dimension and died in another and you have radically different stories and outcomes in each dimension, so what survives? The name Schala "Kid" Zeal suggests that both characters became one, but this may be something as simple as a nod to Kid by Schala, or something as radical as two inherently different characters being forced to share one consciousness. It's all a theory, I think in some way, shape, or form both Schala and Kid will continue to exist, but perhaps not in the same manner that they did before the dimension unification.


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Re: Kid and Schala merging/Kid's declaration
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2009, 02:07:09 am »
yeah.  That's why Gainax Endings suck.