Alright, I just very recently had one.
I was walking along, talking with some friends. I didn't see a massive flight of stairs ahead of me.
I tripped and fell. FIVE STORIES DOWN. That ought to have killed me.
It didn't.
But my friends were panicking and freaking out even though I was fine, I soon figured out I was not fine.
I went to look in a mirror, but it wasn't working right.
I had snapped my neck, but in a paculiar way, I looked like how an owl's neck can turn around, except I was only part way through. I ought to have been dead.
And we were wondering what we should've done. Knowing the obvious risks, I did the one thing I could think of, twist it back. Very loud crack that could make your ears bleed, very sharp pain in my neck(still there as I type).
Very strange, it doesn't twist back. I oughta be dead right now but I'm not. Now THAT actually scared me. Not the death part, I've learned to laugh death in the face. But not knowing anything about this, and facing what's SUPPOSED to be impossible(they said you couldn't lick your elbow, but I've done it! Painful stretching yes, but I've done the impossible!), not knowing the results. I could care less if it was death. Pain is what I don't like and I wasn't sure if twisting back would kill me or just be incredibly painful or if nothing would happen. Unfortunately, it's the second one rather than option three of nothing happening.
And I already kicked myself for not taking one damn picture of the event!!!!!