Author Topic: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.  (Read 2095 times)


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Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« on: October 25, 2009, 02:03:16 am »
Since Halloween is drawing near, write about some of the creepy anecdotes you've experienced sometime in your life. For instance, a few weeks ago, I was playing the game Yume Nikki home alone one night. I was at the point in the game where the main character meets with Poniko/Uboa (Uboa is the creepy black thing with the white Noh mask). In order to activate the Uboa event, one must repeatedly go into Poniko's house and switch the light switch on and off. A few seconds after I activated the Uboa event, there was a sudden power outage, so the power in my house shut off and all the lights were turned off as well. I was alone in the dark. I was so freaked out, I rushed outside.


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 02:20:57 am »


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 02:27:43 am »
Playing Radical Dreamers at 4 AM alone in a dark, silent room is as creepy as it gets.

(Well, almost...)


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 02:50:42 am »
I don't have any myself. I hate this, but I AM the creepy thing in the corner. I went to a massive party. Everyone watched The Strangers. And when it was I done I came out of the kitchen and because I was so quiet about it(I'd been in their for an hour, thought everyone was asleep and didn't want to wake anyone up),I terrified everyone since I had also gotten a cast on my head recently(so I guess I looked pretty similar to one of the Strangers). Everyone was so scared the only way to calm them down was to sleep outside. IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. :cry:
Hate being the scary one sometimes. Although it does help when people go to mug you and suddenly decide you're way to creepy to mess with and run terrified when you give them a mean look. :lol:


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2009, 02:55:44 am »
I don't recall any in real life...
And the most impressive creepy thing in video game was, when i played BioHazard 2, some hands popped out from the window. It scared me a bit(just a reflex I think).

Uboa is the creepy black thing with the white Noh mask.

 :lol: :picardno
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 03:09:02 am by utunnels »


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 03:11:16 am »
Hahaha... xD
Good one. I will admit that Yume Nikki is quite a creepy game.


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 07:12:05 am »
Good morning, Crono!


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 02:02:05 pm »
Numbers stations can be freaky.

The all-time scariest thing for me is Damien Karras' dream sequence in The Exorcist. It's like a trip straight through the Uncanny Valley.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 03:52:29 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2009, 03:49:59 pm »
so it was like midnight during a storm and my friend told me to go play clock tower. "Buckbutt, you'll love it!" she said. "I think it's right up your alley! :D" so i downloaded it.
it was raining quite fiercely. i loaded it and felt 'oh this isnt so bad.'
and then i heard the scream.
i got a little shaken, but i continued playing.
and then i saw the girl in the shower. im like 'oh fuck.'
and then a giant pair of scissors came at me.
and i screamed like a little girl.

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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2009, 06:34:28 pm »
Since Halloween is drawing near, write about some of the creepy anecdotes you've experienced sometime in your life. For instance, a few weeks ago, I was playing the game Yume Nikki home alone one night. I was at the point in the game where the main character meets with Poniko/Uboa (Uboa is the creepy black thing with the white Noh mask). In order to activate the Uboa event, one must repeatedly go into Poniko's house and switch the light switch on and off. A few seconds after I activated the Uboa event, there was a sudden power outage, so the power in my house shut off and all the lights were turned off as well. I was alone in the dark. I was so freaked out, I rushed outside.
Whoa.  Yeah I haven't played that game, but I've seen a rather large chunk of it played by my brother and I did see that scene.  At the time it wasn't very creepy, but I can certainly see it being so in a situation like that. 

    As for my own......Hmm...I know there is something in my head somewhere, but nothing comes to mind at the moment.  *Grumble grumble*


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2009, 12:43:51 am »
This came up in a conversation in Compendium Card night the other day. I think 3 or 4 of us had experienced Sleep Paralysis but I  guess I was the only one scared of it. I experienced it maybe 3 times(at least twice that I remember distinctly) and I was really terrified. . My napping triggered it to occur , because every time I had it, I was trying to wake up from a nap. When I used to work in Japan, I would go to sleep between my morning and night classes for a few hours each day. I'd get paranoid about oversleeping (though it never happened) so a couple times I think I'd be awake, but in reality, I was still in some kind of sleep state. Every time, I could see my sheets and I kept trying so hard to wake up and move for several minutes and I couldn't move at all. Being so out of control was really scary for me : (. I hated it so much.

Other than that, the only thing that scares me is stuff popping out. That's why I could never watch horror movies. I'm a big wimp when it comes to that. I don't mind blood and guts ,but stuff popping out is very scary to me.


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2009, 03:55:42 am »
Getting robbed was scary.  And lame.  Very, very lame.

Got lost in NW Baltimore late at night with my brother once.  I will admit it, I was scaaaaared...I'll never forget some of the looks we got.

I don't really get into horror movies, I end up laughing most of the time.  I thought that The Omen was sweet.  WITH GREGORY PECK!!!  Don't be foolish!

oh yea forgot to add this from Mr. Bungle:
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 04:20:14 am by Shee »

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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2009, 04:44:04 pm »
On October 26, trial was held in Department 184 of the Joshalonian Superior Court, in and for the County of Lord Esquires. In a moment, the results of that trial.

tick-tock ... tick-tock ... tick-tock :franky tick-tock ... tick-tock ... tick-tock

According to any sensible dictionary, an anecdote does not refer to one's actual experience of an event, but to the account of an event, whether or not the event ever really occurred and whether or not the person giving the anecdote actually experienced the event.

The topic creator misused the word. Under Imperial Law, the first misuse of a word is punishable by not more than twenty days in the Grand Penitentiary; any additional instances of misuse are punishable by not more than six months. Additionally, under Code 7 of Forum Etiquette, the misuse of a word in a topic title is a Class Two Felony punishable by not less than twelve months imprisonment and a $1,250 fine.

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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2009, 06:18:54 pm »
There was this one time this one guy was in the dark and when he turned the lights on there was a smiling man standing in front of him, two inches away, eyes agape. The guy jumped three feet in the air and the smiling man apologized slowly, and with an English accent.


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Re: Scary/creepy anecdotes you've experienced.
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2009, 07:15:28 pm »
Alright, I just very recently had one.

I was walking along, talking with some friends. I didn't see a massive flight of stairs ahead of me.
I tripped and fell. FIVE STORIES DOWN. That ought to have killed me.
It didn't.
But my friends were panicking and freaking out even though I was fine, I soon figured out I was not fine.
I went to look in a mirror, but it wasn't working right.
I had snapped my neck, but in a paculiar way, I looked like how an owl's neck can turn around, except I was only part way through. I ought to have been dead.
And we were wondering what we should've done. Knowing the obvious risks, I did the one thing I could think of, twist it back. Very loud crack that could make your ears bleed, very sharp pain in my neck(still there as I type).
Very strange, it doesn't twist back. I oughta be dead right now but I'm not. Now THAT actually scared me. Not the death part, I've learned to laugh death in the face. But not knowing anything about this, and facing what's SUPPOSED to be impossible(they said you couldn't lick your elbow, but I've done it! Painful stretching yes, but I've done the impossible!), not knowing the results. I could care less if it was death. Pain is what I don't like and I wasn't sure if twisting back would kill me or just be incredibly painful or if nothing would happen. Unfortunately, it's the second one rather than option three of nothing happening.

And I already kicked myself for not taking one damn picture of the event!!!!! :picardno