Author Topic: how do you pronounce these peoples' names?  (Read 36255 times)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2005, 07:36:25 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
In my 2 years of Latin, I learned that they pronounced V's like W's, didn't have J's, I think C's sound like K's...  But I don't recall anything different about -us.

I don't think there's a specific rule, but I think it's common to do what Daniel Krispin said; Marcus can be pronounced Mark-us or Mark-iss

I don't like the Jay-niss, though, since the name comes from the god, from which January also comes, and January isn't pronounced Jay-nuary, so I think Janus should be pronounced Jan(as in 'an')-iss or Jan(as in 'an)-us


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2005, 11:07:34 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Hes named Octavius because he gets 8 arms.

Well if you want an easy obvious answer you can say that...



  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2005, 11:52:08 pm »
I seem to pronounce Melchoir differently than anyone else...

Mel - KWY - ire

Basically, say the word "choir", as in a church singing group, and put mel in front of it...

EDIT:  also, think the "qu" sound.

teh Schala

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2005, 03:51:57 pm »
I don't know if it's too late to give my input on this, but here's how I've said them...

Belthasar: BEL-thuh-sar
Melchior: MEL-key-ore
Magus: MAY-gus
Ayla: AY-luh
Schala: SHAW-luh
Marle: MAWR-lee (this is the only one where I pronounce it noticeably different than most other people)
Lucca: LOO-kuh (loo as in looney toons)
Crono: Like Chrono (Kro-No)
Janus: At first I pronounced this one JAY-nuss (as in "Jane" with "us" at the end), but I heard a commercial for a company called Janus and they said "JAN-us" like the name Jan with "us" after it).  Around that time I started saying "JAH-nuss" and sometimes even "YAH-nuss."  Yeha, go ahead and flame me.  LOL
Lavos: LAW-vose.  I've also occasionally switched the stress on those syllables, sometimes saying it like law-VOSE.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2005, 05:36:35 pm »
French is so easy I check this thread and in french onyl those would be arguabale(sp?)

I jsut check them all none has two way to pronounce it :P

Legend of the Past

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2005, 06:05:49 pm »
I always read Schala as: S-KHEE-LA

EDIT: Better yet, I'll just read those names, recored them, upload them, and post them here.

Here. Just please, don't click on the lower link, it'll shut the download down.

Daniel Krispin

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2005, 06:14:22 pm »
Quote from: Jake-A-Roonie
Janus: At first I pronounced this one JAY-nuss (as in "Jane" with "us" at the end), but I heard a commercial for a company called Janus and they said "JAN-us" like the name Jan with "us" after it). Around that time I started saying "JAH-nuss" and sometimes even "YAH-nuss." Yeha, go ahead and flame me. LOL

That last is actually the technically correct version. Janus is a Latin word and, seeing as Latin contained no j's, it is actually an I, thus Ianus. A similar shift occured from Iesu to Jesus (the former coming from, Legend correct me if I'm wrong, Ieshua.)

Legend of the Past

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2005, 06:17:38 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Quote from: Jake-A-Roonie
Janus: At first I pronounced this one JAY-nuss (as in "Jane" with "us" at the end), but I heard a commercial for a company called Janus and they said "JAN-us" like the name Jan with "us" after it). Around that time I started saying "JAH-nuss" and sometimes even "YAH-nuss." Yeha, go ahead and flame me. LOL

That last is actually the technically correct version. Janus is a Latin word and, seeing as Latin contained no j's, it is actually an I, thus Ianus. A similar shift occured from Iesu to Jesus (the former coming from, Legend correct me if I'm wrong, Ieshua.)

Hmm, yeah. Yeshua the Christian, the Israeli name for him. Yehoushoua is the Israeli name, as in Yeoushoua son of Noon, who led the Israelites after Moses passed away. I think it might of somehow changed as History went by.

Just so the differnce shows, I'll write them down in Hebrew:

Jesus: ישו
Yeshua: ישוע
Yehoushoua: יהושע

Sorry if it comes out as Gibbrish or a collection of letters and symbols, it seems to work form me.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2005, 01:29:30 am »
Actually, from what i know about latin, they did actually use "j". It was a kind of deformation of the writing of the normal "i" to symbolize that the "i" was not a fully vowel, but it was a semi-consonant. It appears later in the official writing... about century I or II.
Something similar but opposite happened with the "u" and "v" ("w" is a completely new letter, created for the writing of the germanic languages). Originally they were the same sound and letter (written "v"), but as they evolved, for fully vowel sound it got written "u", while the sound "v" became fully consonant.

Since i am Spanish, i like to think my pronounciation is close to what was intended :lol:  (the equivalence letter-sound in spanish is very close to that of romanji). For me, it would be:

Krono - Kro-no (with a vibrating "r" (this is not romanji at all) and the "o" pronounced like in "talk")

Lucca - Look-ka or Loo-ka (for this word in italian, they use double k sound, and a long "u:"

Marle - Mar-le ("a" pronounced like in "luck", vibrating r, and "e" pronounced like in "pet")

Ayla - Ai-la (with the "y" pronounced like in "tea", for the "a", see above)

Magus - Ma-gus (the "u" like "oo", but shorter sound)

Melchior - Mel-kior ("e" see above, "i" see above, but short, "o" see above)

Nu - Noo

Belthasar - Bell-ta-zar (see above lol)

Daniel Krispin

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2005, 01:17:53 pm »
Quote from: jotabe1789
Actually, from what i know about latin, they did actually use "j". It was a kind of deformation of the writing of the normal "i" to symbolize that the "i" was not a fully vowel, but it was a semi-consonant. It appears later in the official writing... about century I or II.
Something similar but opposite happened with the "u" and "v" ("w" is a completely new letter, created for the writing of the germanic languages). Originally they were the same sound and letter (written "v"), but as they evolved, for fully vowel sound it got written "u", while the sound "v" became fully consonant.

Since i am Spanish, i like to think my pronounciation is close to what was intended :lol:  (the equivalence letter-sound in spanish is very close to that of romanji). For me, it would be:

Krono - Kro-no (with a vibrating "r" (this is not romanji at all) and the "o" pronounced like in "talk")

Lucca - Look-ka or Loo-ka (for this word in italian, they use double k sound, and a long "u:"

Marle - Mar-le ("a" pronounced like in "luck", vibrating r, and "e" pronounced like in "pet")

Ayla - Ai-la (with the "y" pronounced like in "tea", for the "a", see above)

Magus - Ma-gus (the "u" like "oo", but shorter sound)

Melchior - Mel-kior ("e" see above, "i" see above, but short, "o" see above)

Nu - Noo

Belthasar - Bell-ta-zar (see above lol)

Regarding the j... perhaps, and yet, I was not referring to the letter the way it is written, but rather the way it is pronounced. And such a sound did not come into being until the advent of Ecclesiastical Church Latin, where the ng came to sound as the j, and so forth. In the ancient tradtions, however, there existed no equivalent sound to our j, and thus Janus would be as I have said.

As a side note, I'm an English speaker, but still often trill the r's on made-up names(or, as you put it, a vibrating r.) Someday I hope to learn ancient Greek, and the r is pronounced even so in it. Thus most any ancient word (especially those that stem from Greek, such as Crono), or one that either I or a story such as Chrono Trigger has made up, has the Greek pronounciation treatment. I say Crono as Kronos, save for the sigma, Melchior with a sort of chi (kh) for the ch, and so forth. I patently dislike most 'anglisized' pronounication of ancient or fantasy names, or at least prefer the older versions (say, Akhilleus over Achilles, and so on.)

Finally, speaking to Legend... yes, those letters do show! How? What did you use? I've been trying forever to have Greek font show on forums, so if Hebrew works, Greek must. But how did you do it?

Legend of the Past

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2005, 01:44:44 pm »
I've got no idea how the letters show. I just typed them down, I have a Hebrew-English keyboard. I've actually previewed the post, and saw it works for me. But I thought it might work only for me. I don't think it works in Chronicles, but I might try. Anyway, as a note, after I previewed them I went to add something to the post, and instead of the hebrew letters I got a bunch of letters and symbols. Let me see, I'll write your name down...


And this is what I roughly get, I used space before every number. That, and I removed "L", because it kept showing up as hebrew...  

" ד&# 1504;&# 1497;&# 1488; "


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2005, 01:51:21 pm »
If you have windows XP, you have the whole list, choose the font and you got them I tried a couple and they works, I have a french window xp so I tried to put it in english the mroe I can

Start=>all the programs=>ascessory=>system tool=>characters table

now you can select them and paste them

Daniel Krispin

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2005, 03:22:47 pm »
Let's see...


Wonderful! Oh, kudos if you know which name that is! I'll try a few others...

θεα γλαυκοπις Αθηνη
Φοιβος Απολλον

Is it showing up? Don't they looks so much nicer than these boring Latin letters? Ummm... does anyone know which those are? Some are Greek gods, and a few are from Chrono Trigger.
Oh, and Legend, since this works so nicely now to show these things, this is how the names from my stories would look in Greek (which in sound is very near, anyway):

Αρενδαιν Παραιγαλτονρι
Αννοθ Τιν

Legend of the Past

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2005, 05:27:30 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Let's see...


Wonderful! Oh, kudos if you know which name that is! I'll try a few others...

θεα γλαυκοπις Αθηνη
Φοιβος Απολλον

Is it showing up? Don't they looks so much nicer than these boring Latin letters? Ummm... does anyone know which those are? Some are Greek gods, and a few are from Chrono Trigger.
Oh, and Legend, since this works so nicely now to show these things, this is how the names from my stories would look in Greek (which in sound is very near, anyway):

Αρενδαιν Παραιγαλτονρι
Αννοθ Τιν

Cool. So that's greek, then? And sorry, I can't read Greek, Dan. O_O

And.... What names are these, really? The only characters I recognize here is alpha, so, hmm, yeah. O_O

Daniel Krispin

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how do you pronounce these peoples' names?
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2005, 12:53:53 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Let's see...


Wonderful! Oh, kudos if you know which name that is! I'll try a few others...

θεα γλαυκοπις Αθηνη
Φοιβος Απολλον

Is it showing up? Don't they looks so much nicer than these boring Latin letters? Ummm... does anyone know which those are? Some are Greek gods, and a few are from Chrono Trigger.
Oh, and Legend, since this works so nicely now to show these things, this is how the names from my stories would look in Greek (which in sound is very near, anyway):

Αρενδαιν Παραιγαλτονρι
Αννοθ Τιν

Cool. So that's greek, then? And sorry, I can't read Greek, Dan. O_O

And.... What names are these, really? The only characters I recognize here is alpha, so, hmm, yeah. O_O

Let's see if anyone wishes to hazard a guess. I'll give hints: there are two Olympians, one other major god, one other minor god, one Titan, one Greek word, one name from Chrono Trigger, and two names including descriptions (these are the last two).