Reviving an old thread.... I recently met someone who pronounce the name Serge as "Ser-shee", and it confused me at first because I always pronunced it as "Ser-sh". The pronunciation "Ser-shee" sounds like an appreciative form to me, almost like Poshul's "Sergeipoo"
The brother of a friend pronounces "Guile" almost as "Wee-lee", when I was a child I pronounced it "Gee-leh" (That's the way I called the guy from street fighter), now I pronounce it as "Gi-l"
Right now I'm reading (hearing?) the spanish version of the audiobooks of Earth's Children, and I noticed the name Ayla is pronounced "I-la" in this version, which is more close to how you would read it in spanish. I used to pronouce the name like this the very first time I played CT, but then I discovered that in the japanese version is spelled エイラ, so I forced myself to pronouce it "A-la".
I used to pronounce Trigger as "Tray-ger", until I heard the word in an american movie pronounced "Tree-ger".
On a side note, I also discovered that the name "Serge" is an equivalent to the spanish name "Sergio", and that dissapointed me to no end, lol
I have met plenty of Sergios in my life, that kind of ruined the uniqueness of the name to me. I didn't know it was a common name, I thought it was a rarer name like "Crono". I explained this to my brother, and he insists that the real reason of my dissapointment is because the name "Sergio" is not foreign enough for me