Well, I suppose I'll make it rather short for me. I've decided to quite the forums, and resign my commission, so to speak. I realise I have done this in some fashion before, but this time I mean to go through with it to the full, and delete my account. This will be the whole end of it. I have been here since the forum's inception almost, so to you all, for a good six years, I thank you.
However, what I have seen develop here is something that I do not any longer want to be a part of. It's set out as a forum for intellectual discussion, but it is not. There are the heavy handed politics of the ruling party which pervade many of the discussions and, though it is certain none have been forceably evicted from the forums for such actions, they have been severely chastised, their intelligence insulted, and any number of things which show to me that this forum is no longer what it claims to be. It is, therefore, in an act of protest that I sign out.
To those who I have know and befriended over the years, I give you thanks. To RD and Ramsus and Thought; V and Kebrel, nightmare, FaFniR, FaustWolf; ZeaLitY and J, too, though the cause of my discontent and departure, that does not in any way diminish the good times, of which there were indeed many. And all you others, important as well, whom I have neglected to name. My thanks for the time and your comradeship.
It is ironic, and perhaps rather fitting, that I leave the forums when my count at last has reached the 'springtime of youth.' I think this is fitting. This springtime is out there, not on here. For it to exist here, it must be free. And a thought need not be strictured by the rule of law to be oppressed, and I've seen much oppression that is more than simply intellectual disagreement. For me, personally, I have tired of the whole matter. And so, having no great benefit of the forums, nor anymore being a great benefit to them, I must leave. It is right.
Therefore, with a dramatic flourish (I cannot do without), I bid you all farewell, and cheerio.