The animated adventure "Dreamland" has been airing this week on BBC's red button service and iPlayer. The full thing (5 episodes) will air as one merged episode on BBC1 on December 5th. Obviously this locks out the US from seeing it... although
a little YouTube digging will surely solve that. Each episode is 7-15 minutes long. more should be up this week.
The plot involves Area 51 (the so-called Dreamland) and the infamous UFO crash. The Doctor, along with two new friends, gets roped into a mystery involving what happened at Roswell, and who 'Colonel Stark' is really working for.
It uses a new animation style, so think of this as a story to 'test the waters'. If this one gets good ratings we could see more cropping up along the way. Personally I think the animation style is gorgeous, but when characters are moving... ugh. It's cringe-worthy seeing the Doctor move around like a Thunderbirds puppet, and when he takes out his sonic screwdriver his hand is still in the same position, which looks ridiculous. Anyway, I wouldn't be against the idea of another story done in this style, as long as it's polished a little. There were apparently agreements given by each of the surviving Doctor actors that their likeness could be used in one of these adventures, and it certainly provides a way of bringing back old Doctors without substitute actors.
EDIT: The official synopses for both parts of The End of Time have been released!
Part One: It's the Tenth Doctor's final journey – but his psychotic nemesis the Master has been reborn, on Christmas Eve. With both determined to cheat death, the battle ranges from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, while the alien Ood warn of an even greater danger approaching, as a terrible shadow falls across the entire Universe.
Part Two: The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. But sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times."