Author Topic: Life... Death  (Read 643 times)


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Life... Death
« on: November 07, 2009, 12:22:10 am »
Well, I am going to be 17 in two days... I am coasting through life and 17 years... thats hard to believe. I've made many mistakes and I think I have ended up alright.

I've got a fairly successful CT series
I'm living, at least to what I believe, the Dream of Zeal
I feel fine, nothing much bad in life (except my dog passing over the summer...  :( )
I am doing well in school

So why do I feel depressed and have this feeling of no matter what I do... it won't matter.

I am depressed over the fact that I will one day have to live without my loved ones... my parents are the big ones at the moment. If all takes the natural course, I will most likely be the last to die in my immediate family. Although that seems like no big deal it truly depresses me... I can't stand the thought of losing Mom or Dad. I can't stand the idea of losing my brother or my sister. It pains me inside to feel like what am I doing it for. It's a matter of living without them... and the idea of where do you go after you die. It's hard to explain, but the idea of "where do we go when we die" I hate it... the entire question I hate. When my parents pass, which I hope is way long off and many many many many many years from now, the idea of… where do they go pains me. I honestly hope and pray that it is heaven. I can’t stand that feeling.

Sure, people say just keep on living and live for a better tomorrow and other sayings like that, but seriously… I can’t handle that… I love my family and experiencing loss is something I hate and never want to feel again, although it is inevitable. So why am I depressed about it?

I just feel that life is currently meaningless and no this is not some desperate attempt at gaining attention. I am not emo and I sure as Hell am not suicidal. This is a serious and honest topic that I am writing about and has really hithered me. When I forget about it I just go along for the ride, although I strive to do well and such. But what does it all mean? Many times during the day it just hits me and I take a realistic outlook on life.

I don’t know… I hate that. I am asking a question that I nor anyone can tell me the answer to. It eats me up inside.


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Re: Life... Death
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 06:30:33 am »
Today I had a moment in which an emotional anxiety, almost the same as this, plagued me.  I was sitting in front of my computer working, and my dog was in my lap.  He is very tiny (only six pounds), so he is an ideal lap dog.  For this reason he and I are usually always together when I am not at my "real job" or asleep, or in school these days.  We've developed a solid connection, and I've learned to appreciate his likes, dislikes, and idiosyncrasies.  He is very good company.

Today, for the first time since I brought him home when he was only a month old, I acknowledged the fact that he will not be with me forever.  He will die in twelve or so years.  This acknowledgment was almost too much to take, especially since I was thinking about it while he was staring up at me with his huge, endearing blue-green eyes, and probably wondering about something as benign as whether or not I would get up to go outside soon.

My sadness at the prospect of losing my dog was only accompanied by the wish that he could, somehow, stay with me forever.  As far as wondering what lies beyond this life, and feeling desperate confusion over that prospect, I toiled over that subject quite a bit when my grandpa died; the grandpa about whom I've written a couple of times now here.  I wondered if, by some chance, I would meet him again somewhere, or at least some aspect of him.  I thought it only fair since the universe had taken him so suddenly and unexpectedly.  

I realize now, regardless of whether or not I do get to meet my grandpa again in the great beyond, that because I keep his good qualities among my highest ideals he is still very much with me.  In that way his life on this earth is still meaningful to me, and my life feels more meaningful because of his influence.

Temporal Knight

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Re: Life... Death
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 01:17:14 pm »
Well, I am going to be 17 in two days... I am coasting through life and 17 years... thats hard to believe. I've made many mistakes and I think I have ended up alright.

I've got a fairly successful CT series
I'm living, at least to what I believe, the Dream of Zeal
I feel fine, nothing much bad in life (except my dog passing over the summer...  :( )
I am doing well in school

So why do I feel depressed and have this feeling of no matter what I do... it won't matter.

I am depressed over the fact that I will one day have to live without my loved ones... my parents are the big ones at the moment. If all takes the natural course, I will most likely be the last to die in my immediate family. Although that seems like no big deal it truly depresses me... I can't stand the thought of losing Mom or Dad. I can't stand the idea of losing my brother or my sister. It pains me inside to feel like what am I doing it for. It's a matter of living without them... and the idea of where do you go after you die. It's hard to explain, but the idea of "where do we go when we die" I hate it... the entire question I hate. When my parents pass, which I hope is way long off and many many many many many years from now, the idea of… where do they go pains me. I honestly hope and pray that it is heaven. I can’t stand that feeling.

Sure, people say just keep on living and live for a better tomorrow and other sayings like that, but seriously… I can’t handle that… I love my family and experiencing loss is something I hate and never want to feel again, although it is inevitable. So why am I depressed about it?

I just feel that life is currently meaningless and no this is not some desperate attempt at gaining attention. I am not emo and I sure as Hell am not suicidal. This is a serious and honest topic that I am writing about and has really hithered me. When I forget about it I just go along for the ride, although I strive to do well and such. But what does it all mean? Many times during the day it just hits me and I take a realistic outlook on life.

I don’t know… I hate that. I am asking a question that I nor anyone can tell me the answer to. It eats me up inside.

Perhaps what you are feeling, is what many of us feel at some point in life. The fear of losing everything you worked hard to obtain, or losing what you value the most.

I have learned, that in our world we must take grasp of what we have, not too greedily, but cherish it. In the words of a poem I wrote at some point in time...


As Time ticks on, so does our Lives,
Every Second, every Minute, every Hour.
We should appreciate that Privilege,
For Time is not as Eternal as one Thinks.

As Eternity fades away, so does our Lives,
Every Hour, every Minute, every Second.
We should Cherish such Time,
For History soon fades after.

But with Hope and Love, we can Live,
Every Year, every Decade, every Millennium.
As our Memory gathers that Eternity,
And brings us to our Hearts.


Let not such fears hinder your life, or worries, or pestilences. Live for the moment, but not too full of greed or power. Live with passion, and cherish every moment that you have in life. Things happen, but that is all part of the natural order that we live in. This grand earthen dome we live upon has helped grant us a home, a family, and friends. Not to mention the foundations of the things we enjoy and take pleasure in. Feel happy and thankful for being able to experience them. Honor the ways of Time, and honor the ways of Life. And never disrespect sorrow, because with it we grow stronger on the inside as we learn to cope with such things. And never, ever, let your spirit dwindle because of something like loss. For with every loss, there is a gain, whether it be to you, or to the person lost. Let the winds of fate roll past you like a gentle breeze, further edging you onward through the ends of Time.

Another note, where do we go when we die? Well, why have that answered? Live for the finest of virtues, and let the deities or spirits decide that. Whether it be God or whomever you believe in. Just follow good virtues and honors. Do not fear Death. Respect it. Honor it. Remember the good times before it, rather than the bad that it can bring.

Step forth, and Shine like a brilliant Star in a Galaxy and Universe of never-ending possibilities.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Life... Death
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 01:17:26 pm »
My older sister died when I was in 7th grade. She was 20. It was completely unexpected and health related. Needless to say, it was devastating and changed my life forever.

I have, however, tried to use it to better myself as a person. I've talked with a very very select few people here at the Compendium about my "don't cry over spilt milk" philosophy, and I think you may benefit from a similar idea. Bad things that are not that big are exactly that. Not a big deal. Things like losing family are a much bigger deal, and cause feelings similar to what you're feeling now.

It sounds like you're in the midst of either an identity crisis, existential crisis, or nihilist crisis. I wouldn't recommend going toward nihilism (basically the idea that nothing matters, so everything is nothing, so everything is pointless) because it wreaks havoc on one's work ethic and drive to live and live well.

You should keep in mind that even if others die, that doesn't mean that you will. In other, more cliche words, life goes on. Fear of change is natural, but everybody deals with loss differently and what it all boils down to is are you happy with your life? If not, why? What can you do to make yourself happy? Because if you can make yourself happy, separate from other aspects of life, than you won't end up so lost. You'll accept death as a part of life, and a part that will come when it needs to.

You have no control over when your family will pass on, but friends will be there to mourn with you, you will move on, and you will build your own life.

Also keep in mind that after you turn 18 and get out of high school, the whole world opens up. Life really does get totally different and time moves FAST.

A lot of this may sound vague. I hope it helps at least a little bit.

To close, a quote from one of the best movies ever made, Ferris Bueller's Day Off:
 "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "


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Re: Life... Death
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 02:35:39 pm »
Wow, it's horrible being stuck in a morose mood, isn't it?

First, if you have any kind of storytelling aspirations, before you do anything else take a second to capture this emotion so you can use it in your writing and scenario design; jot down notes on what you're feeling. Did Queen Zeal feel these same fears, and that's what drove her and her fellow Zealians to search for immortality, for example?

None of us are immune from musings on life's mortal coil. But one can survive death by leaving a positive mark upon the world: that is the nature of human progress. If you're able to create something, you can achieve a sort of immortality. This is one of the meanings of art for me. As Uboa said, you also carry a bit of your relatives with you if you remember them, and through you, they achieve a sort of immortality.

Also, real-life reincarnation isn't out of the question any longer. I fully intend to get my brain frozen and revived in some future era, because I've been spoiled by being born into this era of fledgling technology, and I can't stand the thought of not knowing what heights humanity will reach in the distant future. What pisses me off right now is that story where an Alcor employee threw a wrench at Ted Williams' frozen head. So, yeah...maybe this isn't for everyone. If what's in that book is true, it's an affront to all human aspiration. But scientists have become the gods of old, making the blind see and creating lighting (EDIT: Meant to say "lightning" there, but...yeah, Thomas Edison did a Biblical thing there). Control over life and death should be just as possible.

And as others would point out in response to my banking on science for physical reincarnation, we haven't solved the mind/body dichotomy yet. I don't pretend for a second that heaven and hell really play out exactly as told in typical religious fashion, but there could be some other element to our existence we haven't scientifically measured yet. Perhaps it's forward of me to suspect something's out there for which I have no physical proof, but on the other hand it would be forward and dull of us to suspect we've already uncovered and measured everything that can be uncovered and measured.

Getting back to the subject of life: Your coding skills, should you choose to continue developing them, could become a major artistic asset for you in the future. When I was your age I was flirting with developing those very skills, but chose not to, and now that I've rethought my life I'm partly kicking myself for it, and need to make up for lost time.

On the other hand, you may also want to take account of what, exactly, makes you happy. Like, truly, deeply happy and fulfilled. Something that doesn't feel like "work" even though you put a ton of effort into it. Once you're in the dream phase of your life, you should be able to spring out of bed actually looking forward to the day unless there's some major catastrophe happening.

And Happy Birthday!

PS: Mr Bekkler, really sorry to hear about your older sister. That would have been a huge psychological blow to me at that age, and reflecting on this makes me really appreciate just how well I've had it.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 02:50:43 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Life... Death
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2009, 02:48:50 pm »
It might be the realization that time is going fast as well. The more I think about it the more I think in one day, I will be one more year away from being a legal adult.

It feels odd that time has passed so quickly and things are changing in my world.

I am thinking of doing what you said Faust and incorporating it into my animation...