I have for years.
By this I mean letting people know about Chrono and recommending it.
Along with this plenty of other games as well. For years now, as in ever since the game came out, no one's really bothered to care. But now, with the DS release AND the fact it's been out long enough for the prices to hit pretty low, everyone I know seems to be taking up interest in this game, following up with realization that if this game was good my other suggestions would be good. In my own area I'm slowly becoming a Guru of Gaming!
I must say, it feels pretty awesome knowing everyone around me is starting to take a turn from saying I'm an old crotchety gamer with a bug up their butt, and only interested n nostalgia, finding barely any interest in their games of today(shooters, simulations, party games, etc.)into the god of magi-er-games...yeah...
Five fake bucks to whoever can get what that last part was a reference to.
It also happens a lot with animes I suggest.
So, here's my point of this topic, have you ever suggested something for someone, they took your advice and turned out to really like it and very appreciative of your advice?