Wow! that is dexterity! and it plays tricks with my eyes

Random rambling about Lavoid species ahead! xD
I just had an epic battle against a certain type of invasive weed that is destroying my mom's flowers. Very annoying chore, but it needs to be done, and done well or the weed is going to grow back. It grows back so fast and so easily and the seeds are so well hidden, the roots grow so deep

my mom started talking philosophically and comparing the plant with the nature of evil xD
After one hour of the annoying chore, my mind started wandering, and I started thinking about CT. I was thinking if it wouldn't have made more sense if Lavos was a plant like creature, since it stayed immobile for milleniums, absorbing energy from the heart of the planet. There're plant species that do not photosynthesize but are parasites on other species of plants, I imagine Lavoids being akin to these, and the planets with life being akin to photosynthetic plants... and Lavoids have what appears to be an asexual reproduction, so no need to move around to reproduce either... Except that Lavoids need to move in order to reach a planet and dig their way into the core... maybe a Lavoid species based on sessile animals? having a motile larval stage and then becoming a sessile plant-like creature, like sponges?
And now I'm imagining an scenario based on my battle against those weeds for Chrono Break about how the heroes did not destroyed Lavos properly, and the left over of the roots are slowly growing back into the planet, Or what if the contamination of the Frozen Flame in the humans IS the roots of Lavos >_> Or I don't know, If Lavos is like a plant, what if it reproduces through budding? what if the Frozen Flame grows to become a complete new Lavoid?
I'm just rambling now... and no, it was not that kind of weed, I'm just random like that naturally xD