Author Topic: Park Your Amusements Here  (Read 121448 times)


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #750 on: July 30, 2011, 03:35:06 am »
When I first saw this article I thought, "Pah! There's no way I'll ever watch this!"

And then I saw the Wily Kitt and Wiley Katt video, and I realized: there's no way I'm gonna miss this for the world.  :lol:  That's the kind of anime that melts me heart, it is.
Yeah, I can't wait to see it. LOVE the new designs!  :D

Here's the trailer for anyone curious.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 03:40:04 am by tushantin »


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #751 on: July 30, 2011, 03:45:00 pm »
Bah, I think they should just make Wily Kitt and Wily Katt the main characters this time around, and go the Last Exile route with them. I love them so much more than the rest of the crew now. It's funny, because I have only a vague recollection of them from the original series.

Hah, somehow I completely forgot about Mumm-ra too.

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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #752 on: July 30, 2011, 07:49:25 pm »
Bah, I think they should just make Wily Kitt and Wily Katt the main characters this time around, and go the Last Exile route with them. I love them so much more than the rest of the crew now. It's funny, because I have only a vague recollection of them from the original series.

Hah, somehow I completely forgot about Mumm-ra too.

That would have been sweet! Dammit Faust!


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #753 on: July 31, 2011, 03:52:25 pm »

Def. sounds like they got the same voice actor for Liono


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #754 on: July 31, 2011, 10:52:35 pm »
I'm really sick of slick! 80s remakes, but this one looks well-done! An anime's style really lends itself to the show, anime being one of the only places where we can take cat-people semi-seriously. And they seem like they're not trying to stamp out all the whimsy and silliness of the original.

(Though I'd be very happy if they dampened some of Snarf's obnoxiousness, personally.)

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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #755 on: August 12, 2011, 10:04:32 am »
Notwithstanding dialogue, it feels weird when I write several short sentences in a row. Technically it feels weird during the reread afterward, rather than during the writing itself. It's not so weird when I read the same from other people. I suppose I'm well-adjusted to the fact that most people write simplistically (when they write at all). I think it's partly a sign of their limitations in thinking power, but also partly a sign that they don't know how to have fun with language. Their loss!

Go play a language game today. May I recommend Mad J's Sentence Scramble? The goal is to write grammatically correct and conversationally coherent sentences of successively increasing length. The sentences don't have to relate to each other--that's for when you want to play Expert Mode. Get to 100 words in sentence and you win!


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #756 on: August 13, 2011, 03:34:04 am »
I am sipping a yummy mocha drink (I'm not normally a coffee drinker), listening to a cute piece of music, and I'm thinking to myself, "Ahh, sometimes, life is so good!" :)


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #757 on: August 16, 2011, 04:41:59 pm »
Quote from: Anna Hazare
"The second freedom struggle has started ... This is a fight for change. Unless there is no change, there is no freedom, there is no actual democracy, there is no true republic, there is no true people's rule"

"As long as there is life in my body, I will keep protesting"
Hah! This guy might be an even bigger mind-fucker than Gandhi, except he fights not with proper strategy but with guts. I like it!

Here's the follow up an the news:
1) Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi Police ahead of fast
2) Anna Hazare refuses to come out of Tihar jail, says allow fast at JP Park

I'm not too sure about this guy; he looks shady to me. But at the same time he'll also be doing us a BIG favor by having the Lokpal Bill passed. One thing's for sure, though, he's got the public at his side. So much so they call him the Mahatma of today, which is... well, a very big deal.

Quote from: News
Anna in his addresses to the nation before his arrest asked his supporters not to stop the agitation. He urged the protesters to remain peaceful.
And this is exactly what I like about this guy. Mobs tend to be violent by nature, because mobs will protect their own kind, always facing danger due to their level of intimidation. But he reminded them that they are fighting for humanity, and that is something we must never throw away.

So what can I say? I say, good! Since this isn't just a mindless mob breaking stuff (though in some areas they are breaking stuff, which is against the anti-corruption philosophy) I can't help but be a part of this. This is a revolution; so let's remind the Government what Democracy really is, and that they need the people rather than the other way around!


Yeah! That's the spirit, brethren, show them who they're dealing with! Meanwhile, I'll support you guys from behind, coz... my tea's getting cold. Dawww....
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 04:45:54 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #758 on: August 17, 2011, 01:02:03 am »
I've been looking for writer/editor jobs lately, but consistently the announcements for such openings are poorly written. It is almost as if they didn't trust the announcement to drive hope the point.


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #759 on: August 19, 2011, 06:54:28 am »
Haa, I feel sorry for Anderson Cooper after this happened, but I feel even more sorry for the French dude. The story could have passed well under the radar if every CNN wonk weren't searching for "anderson cooper cracks up." Ah well, Depardieu strikes me as the kinda guy who wouldn're really give a...well, yeah.

Anyone ever had this happen to them before? It's got to be one of the scariest things you can go through when you're in the middle of some performance, especially when the cause isn't as absolutely hilarious to everyone else as it is to oneself! Sometimes things can seize you in involuntary waves of funny-ness.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 06:56:03 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #760 on: August 19, 2011, 09:33:30 am »

It's hilarious. I'm neutral about Hazare; I can't decide whether he really is a Gandhian hero or does he have some personal agenda. But one thing I do know is that the current situation is excellent, giving public the morale to stand up against corruption, such as bribery, and that the promise of the bill will be enforced (because people like Raja make sure it doesn't happen). Manmohan Singh continues to be incompetent, from what I see, but it is time he questions his own humanity. And I sincerely hope Sonia Gandhi accepts our ideals.

I may not be a supporter of Hazare, but I fucking am with the people and their wishes. I never knew I could witness a revolution with my own eyes in this lifetime, but now I'm proud to be watching the events.

Indian activist Anna Hazare began a public hunger strike in the country's capital Friday, accompanied by thousands of cheering supporters.
Thousands? I correct that. Millions. The revolution isn't just taking place in a few capital cities, but at every corner of the nation, all singing in praise of one man who showed them they can proudly dream.

But unlike any other revolution, we will not shed blood. Our fight is for humanity, not against it. We approach with love, not hatred.

Quote from: Inspiring Comments
commoman2cnn: Well done indian public. There is no violence in the protest! That's how protests should be, peaceful and uncompromising. The Govt started badly by arresting Anna, but they are also trying to maintain peace. Bravo!

xninjagrrl: I like how the Indians get stuff done without using violence as a solution. Sorta reminds me of the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine.

cangodzilla: I had always wondered how Gandhi was able to manage such a large support and ultimately drive the British from the country through peaceful and non violent means. Today, after seeing Anna and the support he has got from Indian masses the Gandhian philosophy has been re-affirmed. I salute the Indian cultural values built on non-violence and peace, and every such mission re-kindles our basic belief in humane ways of dealing with issues. This mission eventually may or may not see the light of the day, but it definitely showcases that Indian masses today as well, are supporting Gandhian ways of existence. Long live India and the Indian values and let’s hope future is bright for all of us.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 09:35:37 am by tushantin »


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #761 on: August 19, 2011, 09:49:33 am »
Haa, I feel sorry for Anderson Cooper after this happened, but I feel even more sorry for the French dude. The story could have passed well under the radar if every CNN wonk weren't searching for "anderson cooper cracks up." Ah well, Depardieu strikes me as the kinda guy who wouldn're really give a...well, yeah.
That was hilarious. xDDDD I think I'll watch more of his shows.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 09:51:28 am by tushantin »


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #762 on: August 19, 2011, 06:20:17 pm »
Oooh, I wonder if Hazare might need a Youtube channel with an animated logo...  :wink:


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #763 on: August 22, 2011, 03:50:37 am »
This morning my wife and I were arguing about the proper way to cite sources and to alert readers to additional resources. I am really amused that the majority of our fights are on such quirky topics. Though, still, this might not be quite as awesome as the time that we spent a couple hours arguing how psychic paper works.


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Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« Reply #764 on: August 22, 2011, 05:32:51 pm »
Though, still, this might not be quite as awesome as the time that we spent a couple hours arguing how psychic paper works.
The most EPIC husband & wife quarrel ever!

FINALLY, Janmashtami's over! Seriously, we's got so many festivals that our nation should be subtitled "Nation of Festivals"! What's even more awesome is how this particular one conforms with the values of the Springtime of Youth!

See, Krishna is usually like the Jesus of Hinduism (a more badass Jesus, mind you), but when the guy was young he was also the Prince of mischief, an annoying brat that goes around breaking people's pots from the furthest reaches just to satisfy his hunger. In his childhood, one virtue he lived by was that if you want something bad you gotta face the might of the whole world for it; basically, he was a master in his Springtime of Youth, so much so that everytime I say "Krishna" I imagine a 10-year-old Kamina from Gurren Lagann.

The final event of Janmashtami was celebrated with similar zeal (dang, I wanted to show you guys pictures, but I don't have a cam...); a pot of butter hanging so fucking high it's ridiculous, and the guys have to form a human pyramid to reach the apex and break that pot. It's all about teamwork, basically, and if one guy gives in the rest topple. A whole evening went by but no one was able to break it, until quarter past ten in the night when everyone started to get hungry. Oh, no, the guys still wouldn't give up in the name of honor. One of them even screamed (in Marathi):

"I ain't goin nowhere, and ain't gonna have single grain of rice until I or someone else breaks that fucking pot!" (Note: He never said fucking, rather a Marathi slang which is much, much horrible)

And they tried, and fell, got up and tried, and fell again; men of all ages were reduced to shame as the most daring of them faltered, but a teenage kid climbed and did the impossible, breaking the pot. Hah, he's bound to get some respect there!

To end the day of this awesome festival, here's a quote from Wikipedia:
Sri Krishna taught us Karma Yoga. He strongly dictated in Gita that a man is bound to get the fruits of his actions. If he has done good actions/deeds throughout his life, he will get good results. The real meaning of Janamashtami vow is to become Karamyogi like Krishna. One should always follow the right path and never tolerate injustice. Karma yoga is action (karma) performed without expectations or thought of reward. This selfless service of karma yoga is the path by which the mind is most quickly purified and its limits transcended. The karma yogi works hard, both physically and mentally. He seeks to eliminate the ego and its attachments, to serve humanity without expecting rewards, and to see unity in diversity . This enables him to tune to the one underlying divine essence that dwells within all beings.
I hope most of you understand what this means (although I can judge who probably misunderstood this quote). Allow me to simplify this for some Atheists (I repeat, some), because I need to translate it to their language for them:

1) Karma Yoga - Karma basically means Actions / Deeds; Yoga has a broader meaning, which could range from Unity, Wisdom, Discipline, etc.

2) Karamyogi - A disciplined and wise person who has learned to judge his deeds and actions well, such as knowing which actions would trigger what kind of consequences.

3) "...underlying divine essence that dwells within all beings" - Beyond spirituality, this "Divine Presence" concept is taken for broader and much more complex meaning here than in Christianity, as it binds quite a lot of related concepts together in spirit of good nature and well being; thus, it can mean a lot of things. Empathy, love towards humanity, an ability to see the world in a much more beautiful light, realizing events or things much more important than yourself, maturity, open-mindedness, selfless potential, dreams of philanthropy, ability to harness happiness, the spirit to tackle odds even in the worst situations, ability to change yourself and the world, etc.

That last bit is something, I believe, is so close I can feel it (at least to me). It is a strange feeling that lies dormant in the hearts of every human being but is strangely untapped for some strange reason; that feeling doesn't have a word for it in any language, which is why people don't know what it is (hence the "Divine Spirit / Whisper") or realize that it's even there, but whatever it is it conforms with the most basic, instinctive nature of empathy and has the power to make the world a better place.