I realize that I don't praise people too often, especially those in my neck of the woods, but when I do notice something admirable that moves me then I will let them know in my most truest of emotions. My admiration comes from the heart, and those who deserve praise will have it. Because they are special people. Beautiful people.
And a lot of people in this world inspire me too! And their difference of views is my strength. People say that I'm always zestful, almost always too energetic and ready for anything. Such zeal stems from inspiration. For some, inspiration is a very limited commodity, but for an artistic mind like mine, I simply never run out of it -- everything in this world inspires me, no matter how beautiful or grotesque, be it comical moments or tragic, or even the most mundane of times. But alas, 24/7 inspiration can also be a curse. Your best ideas are sometimes immediately replaced by newer ones, and you're always too anxious and eager to fulfill your dreams, and your limitless vivacity often never lets you sleep (thanks a lot for the "take this moment as an inspirational opportunity for artistic pursuits", wise guy, 'coz it worked; you know who you are).
Give me a topic, say "a guy and his struggle against a toothpick", and I can write a movie on it. But my best ones will always get the privilege to be written.
But my current inspiration stems from Katie and Red, whom my praise goes to. Ever since Hypergeek and Teaflower left, we hadn't had another 'Dynamic Duo' so far at the Compendium. Also, Katie and Red together finish so many goals each day with such enthusiastic spirits that they put us "grown ups" to shame (okay, maybe I'm not a "grown up" yet because --- SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH). To me, they signify the zealous spirit of Springtime of Youth that we all ought to have, to be capable of running towards our goals passionately and enjoy every moment of it.
So let's take a pledge to learn from these two and redefine ourselves. Because I'm sure gonna do that! (Except for keeping a "to do" journal, because I can't seem to do that)