I seriously hope the multiverse idea is true. Infinite variations on each and every event ever to happen in history, from the big bang to the eventual heat death of the universe. It can offer some comfort in depressing situations. "Sure, she turned me down in this universe, but in another one, me and her are out talking, having a good time." "So my father in this universe is dead from my actions. In another universe, we reconciled and are happy." "Sure that car crash paralyzed me here, but in another universe, i can walk and run. Or, the crash killed me. Either way, an AU me is not suffering." "Aerith may have died in this Universe's version of FF7, but in another universe's version, she survives till the end because Cloud does some awesome sword manuever to save her and all". While the multiverse theory has no proof for it, it also has no evidence against it. Anything is possible (Come on Cheney, go back to whatever circle of hell from which you came).