I love swearing. I'm not gonna lie. I do it at work, I do it at school, I do it at home, in public, wherever. It doesn't have to be a location-specific event, and sometimes it is understandable and while not necessarily appropriate, it can be very helpful. Sometimes a good swear word or two will do two things for you. 1. Grab your audience's attention. 2. Emphasize your point concisely in a halt situation (Hungry Angry Lonely Tired).
This is an article about a study that found that swearing actually helps to alleviate pain.I don't like getting too repetitive, so I find creative swears to be necessary. "Son of a fuck!" being a recent favorite.
For some reason, taking a swear word out of its normal context bewilders people. Example: "I'll text the shit out of you!" Funny, surprising, and almost scary.
Or even removing the swear word from a common phrase. Instead of bull shit, try "BULL HOCKS!" They'll never see it coming.
I mean, if you're going to swear, you may as well have fun with it.
That said, I really find the idea behind swearing, cursing, saying words that are forbidden, to be very odd in and of itself in the current American culture. Censors are so picky and choosy that half the words considered swear words are now acceptable in pop culture and daytime media. So where is the line drawn? What am I allowed to say and not allowed to say?