This only started a couple minutes ago, but whenever I go to any page of the forum, this error text shows up on the background of the page. Normally when I get an error like that, the rest of the page doesn't show up at all, but the whole forum is still accessible. It doesn't show up in the main site either, only the forum., after posting a new topic, came up with these errors:
Notice: memcache_connect() [function.memcache-connect]: Server localhost (tcp 51058) failed with: Connection refused (111) in /home/ccuser/webapps/htdocs/Forums/Sources/Load.php on line 2194
Warning: memcache_connect() [function.memcache-connect]: Can't connect to localhost:247666, Connection refused (111) in /home/ccuser/webapps/htdocs/Forums/Sources/Load.php on line 2194
Notice: memcache_connect() [function.memcache-connect]: Server localhost (tcp 51058) failed with: Connection refused (111) in /home/ccuser/webapps/htdocs/Forums/Sources/Load.php on line 2194
Warning: memcache_connect() [function.memcache-connect]: Can't connect to localhost:247666, Connection refused (111) in /home/ccuser/webapps/htdocs/Forums/Sources/Load.php on line 2194
Clicking the attachment name has a page of errors, too. Photobucketed the screenshot of the first error instead.