destroys any sort of civil and intelligent exchange on the Internet or in society in general.
I am only civil towards those who have earned it.
Your main flaw in logic here is that you think, because you knew this tidbit of information that someone else didn't, that they are dumb and you are smart, and therefore are a genetically superior mind.
You are not.
There is no flaw in my logic. In this day and age, with all the wealth of information readily available, when someone represents false information as if it were fact, it shows them to be idiotic.
Also, I am superior to most out there in the world. Let's list off some facts, shall we? An IQ of one hundred and forty six. While IQs are not a perfect representation, they still give a good idea. Hmmm. A college reading level in third grade. And various other accolades and awards I wont bore you with.
That you revel in being called an asshole and overall enjoy being an unpleasant person shows an immaturity
Call it what you like. It still wont change the fact that I am superior to most. Niggers, spics, Christians, Jews, the mentally handicapped, etc.
If you can't bring yourself to debate civilly in the free exchange of information that we call the Internet, you're not worth listening to.
Again, I only show civility to those who earn it. Same with respect. All my life, I have been told to show respect towards people right off the bat. Teachers, principals, etc. Why? Why should I show them any respect without them first earning it in my eyes?
I have no reason to do so.
Also, Bekkler, I have no need. You need not call me an asshole. The others need not call me an asshole. It will not change anything. It will only be contradictory in your own small mind, that need not understand the greater workings of mine.
If I have children, they will be far superior to any you would have, and would post likely spit on yours if they ever saw them on the streets.