
I consider myself a music fan, especially where the Chrono games are concerned, so I was wondering if someone might give me a little assistance. There's this song on Youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFcVh8nYXg&feature=relatedThe song that was uploaded was not the song it was supposed to be, but people in the comments are clamoring to find out what the "fake" song really is, and no one seems to know. When I listened, I was struck by how similar to Chrono Trigger/Cross it sounded. Someone else even commented that it sounded like something straight out of Chrono Cross.
The problem is that is seems to use mostly harmonies of CT/CC songs. You can actually hum many of the Chrono themes along with the music and they harmonize perfectly--you can even hear the "Life, a Distant Promise" theme outright at 5:45. It seems like there are harmonies (or shades of the original music) at 0:30 (Broken Fragments/Life, a Distant Promise), 2:40 (Memories of Green), 2:52 (Time's Scar), 5:05 (Chrono Trigger), and something that sounds suspiciously like the Final Fantasy prelude at 3:50.
I checked out all the remixes I could find, but couldn't find anything quite like this. Am I making a connection to Chrono music that isn't there? I am fairly tired, and it's late for me, so it's a very good possibility that I'm just hearing what I want to hear.