Author Topic: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?  (Read 1369 times)


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Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« on: December 31, 2009, 06:39:39 am »
Hello. :) I consider myself a music fan, especially where the Chrono games are concerned, so I was wondering if someone might give me a little assistance. There's this song on Youtube:

The song that was uploaded was not the song it was supposed to be, but people in the comments are clamoring to find out what the "fake" song really is, and no one seems to know. When I listened, I was struck by how similar to Chrono Trigger/Cross it sounded. Someone else even commented that it sounded like something straight out of Chrono Cross.

The problem is that is seems to use mostly harmonies of CT/CC songs. You can actually hum many of the Chrono themes along with the music and they harmonize perfectly--you can even hear the "Life, a Distant Promise" theme outright at 5:45. It seems like there are harmonies (or shades of the original music) at 0:30 (Broken Fragments/Life, a Distant Promise), 2:40 (Memories of Green), 2:52 (Time's Scar), 5:05 (Chrono Trigger), and something that sounds suspiciously like the Final Fantasy prelude at 3:50.

I checked out all the remixes I could find, but couldn't find anything quite like this. Am I making a connection to Chrono music that isn't there? I am fairly tired, and it's late for me, so it's a very good possibility that I'm just hearing what I want to hear.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 06:00:31 am by rushingwind »


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2009, 06:44:41 am »
I know this one!!! Oh damn its on the tip of my tongue. The name is some thing like "A night in November" or of the like.


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2009, 02:12:54 pm »
Not sure I can help, but I thought it was a pretty cool jam.  I was like, "damn I need to get into Muse" but then I read the comments at the bottom.  Wish I could help.


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2009, 03:47:23 pm »
I've never heard this remix, if it is a remix.


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2009, 08:08:28 pm »
I've never heard this remix, if it is a remix.

It's so close to Chrono music that it's really making me wonder. It just seems too close to be a coincidence. If it's not a remix, someone definitely took their inspiration from Chrono music to write it.

Not sure I can help, but I thought it was a pretty cool jam.  I was like, "damn I need to get into Muse" but then I read the comments at the bottom.  Wish I could help.

If you want to listen to Muse, listen to this:

And if you are a huge astronomy geek like me, see this video with the same song (the video was released by the American Museum of Natural History). It's the most comprehensive and accurate-to-scale 4-D map of the Universe that exists today. It starts out in the Himalayas and expands to show the Cosmologial Horizon of the Known Universe:

Chills, I tell you, chills. I got chills the first time I watched it. The Universe is so huge and beautiful, and we are so small. (Here is a slightly longer version of the same video:

Off topic, sorry, but yeah. If anyone knows the name of that song, I'd be forever grateful. It's very beautiful, even if it's not Chrono music.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 08:10:23 pm by rushingwind »


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2009, 09:35:22 pm »
This song is definetly NOT from CT, maybe from CC but not from CT. I've been playing it for about the past two or three weeks (trying for a 100% game) and nothing about sounds familiar. Again it may be from CC (I've neve played it, so Idon't know) but it is definetly not CT.


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2010, 12:26:52 am »
I can't figure out some of the points you metioned in the top post, maybe only the 5:05 one makes sense. :(
However, maybe that is because you have musician's gold ears. I took me 1 year or so to realize the sad piece played before Dario's grave has some similar parts to the Acacia Dragoons theme.

BTW that is really a beautiful song, thanks for the link anyway.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 12:29:14 am by utunnels »


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2010, 12:34:07 am »
Its not related to Chrono at all if I could just remember where I have heard this before, its an older song.


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2010, 01:13:37 pm »
It's "Traces of Soul", the end credits theme from Onimusha 3. The part at 5:05 in particular is from "Samonsuke's Theme", which was composed by Akari Kaida (Breath of Fire III, Dino Crisis, Mega Man Battle Network 1 & 5, Rockman and Forte, Luminous Arc 1 & 2, and much more). I'm not yet familiar enough with the rest of the score to cite the other pieces used in this track, but rest assured it's all from Onimusha 3.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you have to be very imaginative to come up with the stuff you did. ;) Don't worry though, the more you listen to music the less you will hear similarities where none exist--and the more you will hear them when they DO exist. :)

EDIT: That AMNH video is very cool.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 01:19:19 pm by Jormungand »


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Re: Help Identifying a Chrono (maybe) Song?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2010, 05:58:24 am »
It's "Traces of Soul", the end credits theme from Onimusha 3. The part at 5:05 in particular is from "Samonsuke's Theme", which was composed by Akari Kaida (Breath of Fire III, Dino Crisis, Mega Man Battle Network 1 & 5, Rockman and Forte, Luminous Arc 1 & 2, and much more). I'm not yet familiar enough with the rest of the score to cite the other pieces used in this track, but rest assured it's all from Onimusha 3.

Ah, thank you! :):) I've been hoping someone could name it! :)

Don't take this the wrong way, but you have to be very imaginative to come up with the stuff you did. ;)

LOL, I have buckets of imagination. :) Give me enough time, and I'll be able to draw comparisons between Mozart and Royksopp. :):)

I will say though that I've been trained in music. I play three instruments (piano for seventeen years, flute for fifteen, double flute for two), and I can tune the flute and piano by ear alone (though the piano is quite a bit more involved than the flute). I have a very good ear for musical harmonies (more so sometimes than the melodies, which is what I spotted about this song: the harmonies seemed to fit), but I do have a tendency to blur it all together sometimes because I listen to so much, I think. I heard melodies that fit, and in a lot of today's music the harmonies are very similar. But I am quite familiar with musical theory, both in classical and modern terms. :)