I suggest you guys (basically those who haven't) take a look at this.
http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php/topic,8370.0.htmlOkay back to the thread.
Humanity is inherently stupid, and grossly uninterested in educating themselves. Maybe this would change in a religion-free environment, I don't know. I hope it would.
"Through suffering enough they learn wisdom"...
"Through suffering... There’s no other way.
"Not in the primitive stages... Primitives are too self centred to ask the important questions until suffering forces them to ask"...(Robert Anton wilson (1990) Schrodingers Cat Trilogy [Orbit Books]).
If religion really IS so evil, then in a way it's going the right path.
And this brought the rise of ZeaLity and his Springtime of Youth. LMAO
Tushantin, that's like me saying that I'm "partially" pregnant. It doesn't work that way.
Hahaha! Well, that's entirely possible, but if I told you in detail it'd take a whole day (which is why I'm writing a series of books entirely about it ROFL). But here's in brief. I believe in Hinduism, but I still do not believe in Hindu deities being actual "Gods". Well, Dharmic culture does not ENFORCE one to believe in the Gods, which is why I'm accepted as one anyway. But still, the Gods are either symbolic in nature or are worshiped for people's faith (and believe it or not, ALL of it is based on whether a person WANTS to or not; nobody is forced to do what they don't want to). And this is exactly why I believe religion is innocent (at least the Hindu and its variations, but I'm not sure about the others), and it's basically the sinful minds of the people that cause chaos.
I urge you, then, to give a closer inspection to whatever it is that "hit you," because the song it sang doesn't bear any resemblance to reality.
LOL Your post really did "hit me" there! But of course you're right. But I'm not exactly a lawyer, so my own reasoning may sound flawed mostly because I suck at explaining (but I do try my best).
But if you're supposing that religion itself is the cause of "religion inspired crimes", then this would also apply to the rest of the inspiration based actions, such as fanfiction. For instance, Toriyama's Dragonball was an epic classic, yet the inspired "movie" burned eyes of thousands of fans. Your theory is based on sentimental obviousness than factual; 1) You're right, because most of those who DON'T KNOW much about Dragonball would accuse Toriyama of being a horrible writer, just because the newer story is inspired by his manga, and 2) You're wrong, because despite the inspiration, it wasn't Toriyama's fault that the movie failed. It was the actors, the director, the CG artists, etc.
Similarly, take an example of CE. Despite being inspired by CT and CC, despite gaining so many fans and taking fanfiction at its best, it does not Kato's thoughts or style in it. The reason being, the CE team never KNEW Kato personally and neither was Kato INTENTIONALLY responsible for CE's creation. And let's face it; it's not just religion that influences people's thinking. EVERYTHING does! Children commit suicide hoping that Superman would save them, TV shows influence people to blindly believe concepts that make people's lives miserable, videogames like WoW influencing people to stay at home and not have a life, etc. And things go WORSE, even without religion in tow.
One thing that really confirmed my view was this; Sherlock Holmes never cared about religion, yet he never bothered to interfere in their affairs because he did not believe in the denial of right to live and freedom. All he cared for was every crime he sensed. As ZeaLity said, religion cannot be exempt from criticism, and there are many religious folks who commit crime and get away with it in the name of God. But to Holmes religion is no excuse to get away with crime. Regardless, he once said that deep within the veins of innocent humanity runs a scarlet thread of crime. His purpose was to expose that evil to the world in broad daylight.
I have a similar reasoning here. About 6 years back I believed the same thing, that religion is intolerable and infuses false knowledge upon the people. But when I look at my parents, my godparents, and other relatives, I learned somethings beyond that. Religion (at least not ALL religion) binds you as brothers, but doesn't take away your freedom. It gives you a chance to think, a chance to resist, a chance to know. Religion gives you a chance to love and care, a chance to understand. To live and let live. To bring smiles and let the world bloom with them. Yet there ARE many who take political advantage of this even though they're not entitled to it. Yet there ARE people who claim they have seen God and have heard its voice. My goal is defend one's right to live, right to think and right to religion. But if something is done against someone's will, such as one person forcing his religion or belief upon someone else, or even hurting or denying the right to someone in the name of religion itself, that is when things get incriminating. The scarlet thread of sins run MUCH deeper into the heart of humanity than a mere surface which is religion.
Religion is a corrupting influence on the world. It is one of my central ambitions to abolish it.
No problem but one. You have every right to discriminate against "some" religious people and every right to take advances towards achieving your goal. However, do note that if you're denying people their right to live their own life as they want or their right to religion, you'd be nothing different from those Priests who bombed the Churches just because their followers spoke the name "Allah", because they TOO denied their followers the right to speak/religion. But when it comes to people ENFORCING people to follow their religion or inflicting crimes in the name of religion, it's a totally different story, and thus you have my support.
There is no need to keep religion, spirituality, and faith in human civilization. It is rotten at the core.
I would like to see you try. But I believe you've only seen the "tyrannies" of a few religion and not the true essence of it. Although I'd like to see what happens when you remove religion, spirituality and faith from the root, I still say that they're essential components in human civilization, at least until humans reach the final stage of evolution. Obstructions and faith (in one's self and comrades; NOT Gods) are the tools that help humans develop.
Most religious people cannot accept criticism. Why should they, when their texts call critics and followers of other faiths apostate and destined for hell?
Yes, that's entirely true. But the thing is, the reason I'm still defending "religion" as general is because I have never seen what you just described beyond Egyptian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim, because that doesn't seem to be the case for the (varied) Hindus, Chinese and the other cultures, at least to my knowledge. There is NOTHING stating in these cultures' scripts stating that the critics or non-believers should be punished or whatever. Also, contrary to Christian God, NONE of the Gods in these cultures claim they are the only true and the rest are false. In fact, they accept diversity in existence and beliefs. I don't mean to brag, but just stating my point here.
people that cannot accept criticism, actually, because most people
fear to be wrong coz it's so damn embarrassing to them.
You missed my point. What I'm saying is that according to Christians, Hindu women should be subjugated to their husbands.
Exactly! Meaning your target of discrimination is merely some factors of specific religion, but not the whole house or term as whole. Told ya, things take time to mature and perfect over time. For instance, technology is the primary cause of Global Warming and ecosystem collapse. You can't simply
destroy technology for that, you need to
perfect it. Sure, it's got flaws that creates serious problems to both people and the world as whole (Trucks killin people, guns killin people, pollution causin bicyclers like me big headaches, waste of electricity, rapid consumption and waste disposal, etc.) and there have been many villagers and farmers calling technology "evil", but as you can see we're trying to improve the best we can. If you're against THAT, then we've no problem livin in caves again and drinkin river water. ^^
Faith also plants the seed of irrationalism by encouraging people to base their entire worldview on a fallacious myth, thus compartmentalizing logic and reason.
That depends on what kind of "faith" you actually mean. I understand irrational faith in Gods and angels gots to go, but "faith" in general would destroy your Springtime of Youth, since it binds you and your fellow folks!
Also, do note that every myth comes from some history one way or another. If you've read Da Vinci code then you know about Jesus. Lucifer was merely a Babylonian King and not a Satan. "Genbu" was the title one of the Kings of China gained after he died, and this brought the legend of the Northern God Genbu. Draupadi wasn't a woman with five husbands, rather a King with five daughters for five warriors. Lilith came from Priestess Belili. But I'm still not sure about the history of Lamia.
To you first statement, reason is why we don't entreat every possible fantasy without proof.
You misunderstood what I said.
Reason is also something most people do not apply in more than one point of view. Let me elaborate with your very example.
You COULD walk into Harvard tomorrow and propose that all the chemical elements are actually based on the emanations of five basic elements. If they asked why, you WOULDN'T say, "I just know. I have faith that the universe works this way." Rather, claim that it's merely a possibility, because you can neither prove it exists nor can you prove that it DOESN'T exist. And if they still laugh ya out, then they've obviously got a one track mind. Like I said, if you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, because if you can't prove it doesn't exist might possibly exist. A mere
possibility changes things, and ruling out a possibility while
assuming it does/doesn't exist is something only a fool would do.
Christianity makes the first Christian evil, yes, as her belief visibly qualifies the religious foundation upon which the latter person acts.
That's a completely different story to a scenario when I ask a person, "what if God doesn't exist and you've been wrong all this time", and she replies that at least she'd believe he did, because she wants to believe that there's at least a little glimmer of hope left in the world. Of course, you'd argue upon the factor of "faith" here. But considering a person's mentality and state of mind, I'd say there's nothing wrong for her to embrace false hope so long as she
wants good things to happen on her own freewill. Once again, you might argue that just wanting isn't enough and one can't sit around and wait things to happen. I agree with that. This was why I chose to show her how to get what she wants. ^^
Nevertheless, there's a difference between evil and victim. If a person, though victimized, commits sins ignorantly or knowledgeably, that person would be considered "evil". But if a person (or a person's thoughts) is merely a victim to some kind of influence
without committing a sin or denying someone any rights,
that person would merely be a victim, and not an evil sinner.
Do you think a person who grew up without religion would have any interest in taking a knife to a baby's penis? Or have any "higher" arguments when trying to oppress women? Without religion, these evils would be significantly impaired and reduced, if not eliminated entirely, like circumcision.
Although there have been cases of people castrating other people/babies that have nothing to do with religion, you're partially correct. I'm aware of the Muslim customs, and they don't
entirely chop off their baby's penises. I've been visiting a Muslim doctor ever since childhood and I've learned that it's actually only the top skinny portion that they cut without damaging the penis critically. I'm not sure why, but one of them said it's for hygiene's sake.
But you're right, though. It's kinda painful, especially for a child, which is why I'm against it.
The divine is why these people are committing their evil. It is inseparable; it is the hand holding the murder weapon.
Mind you, a murder weapon like a butcher's knife or combat knife can also be used to make awesome tasting cabbages. XD It depends on who's using it.
Oh dear, did you just call non-Hindu gods false?
You know, the thing about you is that you assume too much. I never said that
my God is the only truer one. I merely stated "False Gods", and that's it. And this INCLUDES Hindu deities. Sheesh, confirm things before you act, man! XDDD
As I told rushingwind, I do not believe in people who speak for their conceived Gods, because Gods have no business in the affairs of humans. Even
if Gods were to meddle (that is
if they exist), it's highly unlikely they'd let their presence be known; otherwise it'd just be a Mary Sue in a novel, and various other reasons. If there is a God, he doesn't belong to any religion. As you said, religion is merely man made, an accessory that human civilization has been wearing since ages ago. The Hindu Gods, from my research, were actually based on
real historical people (if you've read my Damned Religion thread you'd know why they're referred to as Gods) while the Abrahamic God seems to be based on the "God" the Torah mentions. I'm not sure about the Torah God, because in the book "Essence of Kaballah" it seems that God seems to be the omnpresent one (like I said, God belonging to no religion) which is similar to the
possible unnamed God I was talking about, but I would consider most religious Gods as
deities (hopefully which doesn't disrespects the religious). By "False Gods" I mean defined Gods, ancient people worshiped as Gods and not "respected ancestors", fictional Gods, etc. By defined Gods I mean those who say God is this or God is that, God hates this God likes that, etc. This is utterly rubbish because
nobody knows who or what God is. At least to me, worshiping False Gods is a waste of time, but
reading about False Gods is dang as heck inspiring! ^o^
Yet, despite my beliefs, I have no reason to deny a person his or her rights to religion or their rights to think. Their beliefs is their business alone. One day I will make the world see my way though, and without enforcing them to. Just give them a chance if they want to. Because it's highly possible that the next generation's belief could be better than mine or yours.
You contradict yourself. You're saying that because this God is "hidden", there is no evidence of his existence, but that you still somehow know he truly ("literally") exists, in spite of a lack of evidence.
Okay, I guess I wrongly stated this. XDDD Forgive me. Actually there's still a possibility that God may or may not exist. The thing is one can't scientifically prove he/she exists yet one can't prove he/she cannot exist. I'm still ruling this as a
possibility, and won't deny it. If at that moment of writing I may have believed that he actually DID exist, (I admit, I was a fool) then forgive me. But then again it's understandable: I'm a writer! LOL
Only, this older knowledge isn't being refined. For many religions, it is the same as when Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, or Buddha dictated it to its followers. It is antiquated, and the only purpose it serves is distracting people from a lucid existence and justifying ignorance and evil acts.
Partly yes, and partly no. Some of those events have been misreported. And then again, you KNOW how historical facts get emphasized and molested as myths. Because it may even be possible that Moses was probably a rebel, but some Christian writer was inspired, took his example, CHANGED it and placed it in the Bible.
Hell it's still a possibility.
And if that's the case, the person the followers followed may not necessarily be
evil, but merely a leader the followers followed. If you needed liberation from a Pharoah's tyranny, wouldn't you join a mob of rebels? Would you just want to run away or just overthrow the kingdom? How can that act be evil? Think Crono and his followers. Think Kamina and HIS followers. Think yourself and YOUR followers.