Author Topic: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama  (Read 1114 times)


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Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:16:14 am »
Books, Television and Internet (visual) are the three medias that govern all of knowledge and entertainment these days, influencing the masses with knowledge and ideas, or even GETTING PEOPLE FIRED UP, like this guy below who beat Chuck Norris.

Of course, who'd disregard music? Music has been ROCKIN even before the birth of human sentience and still holds high regards in various ways. Of course, Music is an art form, but these days it isn't relevant more to the "knowledge" base as it is to "sentiments", unlike the songs of the bards at medieval/pre-medieval eras which actually told tales.

But something struck me. I'll point out how exactly.

1) When Pieretta published her book at December I congratulated her for becoming a full fledged author at a very young age and also told her that being an author is an honorable position to be held because she's now able to influence the world in various ways with her ideas. She was happy to hear that, but did point out that there are still a lot of people who either can't or don't read books.

2) Today I had a chat with my brother about the radio shows that air in India. Apparently he's irritated when some shows pass their time with pointless babble (and he was correct; the broadcast was talking about his personal relationship with his girlfriend) when they could simply put on songs instead, which the radio was supposed to have been meant for after all. I did tell him though that the radio wasn't just meant for songs, and that it was an important form of media even before TV for news broadcast and source of knowledge, and that even today most UK and Canada radio stations have some really good audio dramas broadcasting.

To which I received an obvious response: Why Audio media (other than songs) when people can watch movies, surf the net or even read books?

But thinking back to Point 1 at what Pieretta said, there are three kinds of people who don't/can't read.
1) The blind; 2) The uneducated; 3) The uninterested

In fact, many of my friends despise reading despite being educated, since there's always the net/TV. And similarly, there are many uneducated who wished they could keep up with the world but can't. Due to the popularity of "vision" media, not many would approach to Radio or any kind of audio broadcast. People even rely on Youtube more than podcasts, which is obviously understandable. Due to this, most Audio stuff, for instance Audio books or dramas, aren't up to the quality as people would like it since hardly is anyone interested.

For an example of an Audio Book, here's a link.

Despite this dude's talent, most people aren't interested in reading audio books mainly because even though it's less distracting than TV and can leave the listeners to their imagination it doesn't provide the variety that it CAN actually provide; for instance, various voice actors and perfect sound effects. And because books are just HUGE to adapt into audio some people hardly bother with the expenses put into it, saying "Who'd buy audio when people can have the real thing? This is for blind/lazy people which are like 5% of the world's population". This is dead wrong, but from commercial view it's understandable.

But these days almost everyone's got an iPod or Cellphone with radio applications pre-installed, or even have PC's with Winamp/VLC/WMP which can be used while surfing/working/chilling. Although radio may be considered common, what about literature via audio itself? Even today there are many podcasts available for fanfictions, and even today many audio books are available in Japan which are adapted from Mangas/novels directly.

Getting to the point, I'm a writer/animator/artist who likes to tell tales or show art to people. No matter how popular/unpopular it gets it kinda sickens me to see that some unfortunate people aren't able to share the knowledge/enjoyment with the rest of the world. If I animate Moonlight Reckoning and release it on Youtube and other websites there will still be some people who would be unable to view it and for various reasons. Which is why, along with the animation, I'm thinking of releasing a feature-length Audio Novel of the same story but told in a different way. Unlike the Audio Theatres previously attempted however, I will try taking it to the maximum quality possible, encouraging and resurrecting it as an art form.

But I would like your opinion on it. What do you all say?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 07:17:06 pm »
First, ask yourself whether you would be doing this art for yourself or your audience. Then, depending on which it is, be true to the recipient. An artist who panders to an audience, or seeks validation from it, on a personal work...has demeaned the art and betrayed themselves. An artist who gets in their own way of being maximally clear and relevant to their audience on a contributory work...has demeaned their audience and cheapened the value of the art's contribution.

All of which is to say that if you are meaning to do art, then let your artistic priorities dominate the development of the artwork. If, for instance, your artistic priority (perhaps one such priority among several) really is to reach the widest possible audience, then your idea to do an audio novel makes sense: It invokes the ageless worldwide tradition of oral storytelling. But don't leave it at that: What are your other artistic priorities, if any? What do they require of you?

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 08:47:19 pm »
First, ask yourself whether you would be doing this art for yourself or your audience. Then, depending on which it is, be true to the recipient. An artist who panders to an audience, or seeks validation from it, on a personal work...has demeaned the art and betrayed themselves. An artist who gets in their own way of being maximally clear and relevant to their audience on a contributory work...has demeaned their audience and cheapened the value of the art's contribution.

All of which is to say that if you are meaning to do art, then let your artistic priorities dominate the development of the artwork. If, for instance, your artistic priority (perhaps one such priority among several) really is to reach the widest possible audience, then your idea to do an audio novel makes sense: It invokes the ageless worldwide tradition of oral storytelling. But don't leave it at that: What are your other artistic priorities, if any? What do they require of you?

The first thing you're told in art school is there is no such thing as art without an audience.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 09:09:16 pm »
You're right. I have no clue what I'm talking about. Your sagacious one-liner has crushed my feeble years of experience and study. There is no such thing as art done for one's own self. Perish the thought! I bow to your vastly, stupendously, insurmountably superior wisdom, Mr. Bekkler. In fact I have been so moved by your profound genius that, after my tears of rapture subsided enough for me to operate a computer once more, I immediately abandoned and destroyed all of my artistic works--nay, my blatantly inartistic works--which had been conceived for my own benefit rather than somebody else's. I will instead be devoting my future time to building statues in your likeness and documentaries praising your name, that all the world may know your supreme majesty as the singular ultimate authority of art in this universe, and love you--as I love you, for you have opened my eyes as none ever has before or will again. Thank you, thank you, thank you, one thousand times: Thank you. Words cannot express my sentiment, nor sentiments my fiber of being, which has been utterly rewoven in that timeless, eternal moment when your radiance shined upon me and I did at last see all things for what they truly are: Yours.


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 10:54:12 pm »
This is where I believe animation and some video games hold an overall advantage. In animation there are voice actors, and "the works" hell even my series has a good script (ok I am tooting my own horn now), but this is also a reason I like playing final fantasy and other such games.

There is reading in those and you have a sense of control and such.

Either way there has to be something to interest the person to get them to read it. Chrono Trigger has a great story and a great cast of characters. So it's not hard to read and become immersed, much like some of the final fantasy games.

Books may be good, but I only read a few. The last book I fully read and enjoyed was the Divine Comedy and that was last year.


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 11:32:54 pm »
Ah, crap.

I'd typed a big reply, then it got erased through sheer accident. All I have left from the reply is this. I hope it suffices.

But Tushantin, I feel the only question you need to ask is whether the art must exist, for any reason, be it for your own enjoyment or for the enjoyment and inspiration of others. If you feel it must exist, deep down inside, then you can make it happen. Practically speaking, it seems that once you've got the audio for your animation, it should be a matter of adding in narration, and *boom*, you've got your audio drama after some additional editing. In other words, a great bang for your proverbial buck; one project could flow into the other.


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 04:26:11 am »
@Lord J'Esq: The art is not just for myself but also for a wider audience. It is all for the sake of grace and masterpiece to exist, yet at the same time benefitting mankind in some way. To me, art keeps a standard, beauty and quality of living. But it sickens me to see that most artists in India don't bother with that; they'd rather make quick money out of it than deliver quality for the sake of it. Of course, neither do I wanna go poor for my work, but you see what I mean, which is why I release my art freely.

@Neo-Fusion: You are quite right about that. Indeed, this was why I began my project Fleabane Trilogy in the first place. But what about those who aren't interested in animation? What about those who cannot afford internet? Those who do not like reading? And lastly, why is the "true" art of Audio Drama usually hidden when it has so much potential? Well, you see what I mean.  :lol:

@FaustWolf: Exactly! That is just how I feel. Not only will I help this timeless tradition survive but also give new standards to it on what's most possible. Creativity can lead to many things and sometimes mere narration isn't enough. Who knows if I'll succeed or not; But I'm not skeptical about it, as I wouldn't know unless I try. After all, art is like a plague. It inspires and then it inspires more!

Of course, the Audible wouldn't just be the audio "ripped" from the animation; it has to be special. There would be more, better narrations in it than with the animation. After all, that is what our senses are all about. Eyes see everything (animation) while ears would hear (audibles). Two different things working in different ways but accomplishing the same objective.


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 12:57:27 pm »
Well Tushantin, you raise an interesting point, but people can always find music and lyrics one way or another and that can be their "get-away".

Either way you look at it, in the end if the person just wants nothing to do with it... well they just don't. But I think it's impossible, everyone has something in music they like and the imagination can take over.

I think I will stop before I go way off topic.


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2010, 02:32:55 pm »
Indeed! Music is the SOURCE of all inspiration! Why, it even secretly builds ideas into sentient minds that aren't explainable orally. And THIS is what would make Audio Books even better than novels themselves!

And yes, you're quite right. Dammit, Torrents! But do know that my products aren't really going to be that "expensive" for others that people would have to pirate.  :lol: I believe in the thought of free ideas and free ideals. There needn't be cost to inspire the masses. Just do your best to make the world a better place.

Thus, there are many potentials to an Audio Book than currently explored. In fact, I've just downloaded and listened to Part 1 of Chrono Cross's audio drama and it's amazing! Yet there's lots of potential still. XD

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2010, 08:38:50 pm »
You're right. I have no clue what I'm talking about. Your sagacious one-liner has crushed my feeble years of experience and study. There is no such thing as art done for one's own self. Perish the thought! I bow to your vastly, stupendously, insurmountably superior wisdom, Mr. Bekkler. In fact I have been so moved by your profound genius that, after my tears of rapture subsided enough for me to operate a computer once more, I immediately abandoned and destroyed all of my artistic works--nay, my blatantly inartistic works--which had been conceived for my own benefit rather than somebody else's. I will instead be devoting my future time to building statues in your likeness and documentaries praising your name, that all the world may know your supreme majesty as the singular ultimate authority of art in this universe, and love you--as I love you, for you have opened my eyes as none ever has before or will again. Thank you, thank you, thank you, one thousand times: Thank you. Words cannot express my sentiment, nor sentiments my fiber of being, which has been utterly rewoven in that timeless, eternal moment when your radiance shined upon me and I did at last see all things for what they truly are: Yours.

I wasn't disagreeing, I was adding. Thought it was interesting. Apparently you don't. Excuse me for existing.

Edit: And I fucking hated art school and dropped out because they fill your head with nonsense. Thanks for asking.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 08:41:47 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Advent/Significance of Audio Theatre/Drama
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2010, 04:54:38 pm »
^^^^So, is war considered art?

EDIT: Lol, I'm being a smartass sorry.