Just to show you guys that this game is actually making some progress, I has some VERY early screens for you!
Also, I would looooooove to hear suggestions from everyone. I want to make this game my masterpiece, and to do so, I need help from everyone here. Feel free to make some suggestions, and I'll let you know if they are possible or not!
Anyway, have a gander at these screenies.
Design for Leene's Square, based on the square from Crimson Echoes, Drawn by Princess Schala Zeal.
The Guardia Section of the Present Day World Map. Drawn by me.
Battle backgrounds will be done in a "Widescreen" Format.
Yes, Schala will be fully playable. Also, this is a custom menu coded/drawn by me.
Other StuffI've been coding a "Caterpillar" system where party members follow you on the map. 70% done.
An "element system" will be coded. It'll be similar to Chrono Cross. You'll have one time elements, and equipable elements. 30% Done.
Crono, Marle, Magus, Glenn, Robo, and Ayla all have their weapon sets finished. 50% of items are finished. 3 of the characters need to have their coding done. Techs need to be made.
Some, I'm chugging along. Don't expect a trailer or anything for a few more months. Anyway, I hope that gives you guys and idea what I doing.