Author Topic: Level Up and Stats Bonus in Chrono Cross  (Read 5076 times)


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Level Up and Stats Bonus in Chrono Cross
« on: March 01, 2010, 03:27:33 am »
Well, perhaps not a big deal, but I found some ppl ask about how to max all statistics at 99th star. Such as "why my Serge's strength is 87 instead of 88, it was 88 in my last run", or "why Riddel's magic attack is not 60". :lol: I searched via google, some say it is all random (and it is almost true since I myself saw Guile had very poor magic attack, at least before Serge became Lynx). And someone says the bonus can't be changed by save/load trick, I tested before a boss battle, and it is true. Later I found bonus values for next star are determined after a boss battle which gives you a star and will be carried in the save file until you receive next star.

Level star bonus values are random and follow a formula like:
Code: [Select]
HP bonus = ((Lv99HP - MaxHP) / (101 - Stars)) x random(0, 2) + 2 
Other bonus = ((Lv99Points - Points) / (101 - Stars)) x random(0, 2) 
random(0, 2) is a random decimal value between 0 and 2, doesn't include 0 and 2.
The result will be rounded to get an integer value (for example, 2.4 will be 2 but 3.6 will become 4).

Minor bonus values after regular fight
I'm still not sure how exactly the formula works, but here's what I've figured out:

1. Your team receive some kind of "exp" after a regular fight, based on what star level you are currently at, until it reaches a certain value (ThresholdPoint). It will be zeroed if you gain a new star level.
For example, at level 1, you will receive 1 point per fight. But after 8 fights, it just stops increasing. But at level 50, you receives 3757 points per fight, but stop receiving any after 3 fights.

2. The "exp" interacts with your stats growth, but not by adding up. It is still unknown. However, it seems the rule is fixed instead of random. That means save and load trick doesn't work here.

3. Total bonus will not get past about 66%-69% of nex star bonus.
For example, if Serge will gain 12 HP at next star level, he can receive at most 8 HP during those regular fights.

4. After each fight, points growth is based on "exp" and other factors. It differs among star levels.
For example, at star level 0, Serge gains HP in an order of 12%, 13%, 12%, 10%, 7%, 4%, 3%, ... in the first fight, he will gain 12% x next star leve hp bonus, and so on. But at level 50, the order is almost 20%, 20%, 14%, 7%, 4%, 2%, 1%,... percentage drops sharply after ThresholdPoint, which will make it almost impossible to gain any points sooner or later.

5. Small values can be added to next fight, somehow.
Though the formula is unknown, but I've noticed, if next star bonus is only 1 point( for example, strength bonus), the character can still receive the point after several fights, in my test case, it should be before ThresholdPoint.

6. Add a new member to your 3-person team after ThresholdPoint
Well, he/she will still receive bonus, and quite a lot in the first fight, but will drop sharply later. Though total bonus still can't get past 66-69% of next star bonus.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 08:58:34 pm by utunnels »


  • Guru of Reason Emeritus
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Re: Level Up and Stats Bonus in Chrono Cross
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 11:57:22 am »
Well, updated.


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Re: Level Up and Stats Bonus in Chrono Cross
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2010, 08:35:38 pm »
interesting, if we get as much characters as possible, we can get higher stats much quicker. its a shame they never came out and said exactly how the system worked, because it's a pretty 'alive' system compared to the staleness of some other rpgs of the time(and even some today, such as ff13/10's leveling system, how much more complex can you make it??). did they call it a day and never use this system after CC?


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Re: Level Up and Stats Bonus in Chrono Cross
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2010, 08:54:47 pm »
interesting, if we get as much characters as possible, we can get higher stats much quicker
Oh, I think you mean No. 6?
Maybe I should not use invite. I mean put a new character in your 3-person team.  :)
Those minor bonus can only be applied to those who are currently in your team, not those in the roster.

Most used character gain stats like the red curve in the picture, and those you never use are like the blue one.