Hi Lance. I haven't played your game yet, but I've inspected it using rm2k3 and my own experience. I have quite a few years using the program, although mostly uncompleted games and random stuff I've been doing over time.
What I need to say is (and I actually registered only for this, go figure): please use battle animations for the characters in battle! Everything could look much better if you were to use battle animations for stances, attacking, etc. It's painful to see how you're able to perfectly recreate the Chrono Trigger maps and yet the battles don't look as good as they could.
The CT sprites are so small and have so little animations that it is really easy. I've tried using large sprites ripped from fighting games on the rm2k3 engine, and they can look badass!
Also, I'd try not to use sound effects from the RTP. Well, it must be me only because I'm used to hearing them on too many games, but they don't really fit with the atmosphere at all.
Have you thought about adding double/triple techs? I think it should be possible in the default system somehow, although a hassle to input on every single battle.
As you can see, I am a battle system type of guy, lol. I feel compelled to give some input because this looks like the real thing, and not one of so many projects that are scrapped around 10% or so. I know how tough it is to make games half seriously, so hang in there.