Who would’ve thought I’d get this far? (Besides me)
Here’s the next chapter, and not a moment too soon.
And to Think That I Saw It in 600 A.D. The portal which sucked Crono in opened wide,
Causing Crono to fall and land on his backside.
He was now in a clearing with a brook nearby.
“Where am I?” he asked. “When? How? And Why?”
But when he got up, he was quickly surrounded
By Mystics who said, (from the way that it sounded)
“Kill the human!” And with that, they rushed him en masse.
But with Crono’s swordsmanship, the bout ended fast.
With a pose and a brush-off, he raced through the thicket.
His quick wits and weapon were his only ticket
To escape from the canyon, but for the time being ,
He had to get to used what he was seeing;
Green imps with their pet Rollies rolling about.
With quick slashes and stabs, he was done and was out!
Crono walked farther than he thought he had to.
And when he reached Truce, he said, “This isn’t true!”
It was the same town, but where was Truce Square?
And what was up with all the fog in the air?
So many questions, but Crono pressed on
As to where to find Marle. It shouldn’t take long.
With his money (inflation adjusted), he bought
Potions and ethers as to not get caught
In a moment of weakness as to not be hassled,
and with that, he headed to Guardia Castle…
Or so he had thought. A forest impeded
His journey, but still, he went and proceeded
To enter with caution. What lay within?
“Any monster I battle, I am sure to win!”
Crono said to himself as he forged on.
There were Mystics and fowl of the ugliest spawn:
A bird with a bell that it rung in alarm,
A four-legged mushroom with virtually no charm,
A gargantuan beetle with a verdigris shell,
A Roly whose rolling made one run like hell,
And a copycat bird with a bell like its brother.
This rogue’s gallery was completely another
Experience to Crono, and yet,
He never did flinch, nor did he once fret
In defeating these monsters with relative ease.
Eventually, Crono was overly pleased
To exit the forest and behold the sight:
The Castle of Guardia basked in sunlight.
With joy, Crono raced up the steps with a skip.
“Marle must be inside! This has been one weird trip!”
To be continued… (I hope)