Author Topic: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread  (Read 4224 times)


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The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:51:34 am »
I've been looking through previous pages, but I haven't seen a really relevant topic for the maddened queen. I figured since there's already a King Zeal thread (even though he isn't officially canon... yet :P), I figured we could have one for her.

How to start... well I guess I'll start off with a question that's bugged me ever since I first finished CT.

Was Queen Samaele (sp?) Zeal truly brainwashed by Lavos and was once a good woman? Or was she always a self-righteous person, and Lavos merely amplified her already bad qualities?

Honestly, I'm not too sure. I'm more inclined to believe the latter. I've never seen any situation or depiction of her being good, so I currently have no reason to believe the former.

Schala certainly believes that her mother was good, but... Sorry Schala. I love you to death, but when it comes to your mother, you've proven that you aren't the best judge of character. Of course, Gaspar's comments after destroying the Black Omen lends some possible weight as well.

So what's everybody's opinion? Is there a right answer?


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 01:03:20 am »
I think Queen Zeals change is not exactly Lavos brainwashing her but more along the lines of an addiction. She was always a strong willed and powerful woman who pushed the boundaries of magic/technology in her kingdom. She most likely was fairly nice at first, but once she tasted the power of lavos it started a downward spiral that lead her to be willing to sacrifice her own children for more of it. Kind of like actual drug addicts, most of them didn't start off as bad people, they just got hooked and ended up at a point where they were doing anything to get more.

That's how I understand it anyway.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 01:34:39 am »
I don't know why, but Queen Zeal always reminds me of Queen Brahne from FF9.
We don't know much about their backgrounds.

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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 01:46:23 am »
I believe loosing her husband may had an impact regarding her later behaviour. It's highly likely, and then when the Mammon Machine was built... really, from his death (or not... XD) it went downhill the whole thing.

Schala Zeal

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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 07:08:31 am »
It's rather understandable, so you are forgiven. It's just the sentimentality between me and Mother that I valued.

To be honest, I studied the Mamoon machine and saw that throgh its structure, it is able to channel gaseous concentrations as well as fluid in the form of a vapor. That day in the Ocean Palace, I had brought a robe-pocket-sized vial of hydrofluoric acid to administer to the machine, that would ultimately result in Lavos' death.

Hydrofluoric acid is known to be very deadly. If it comes in contact with living tissue, it can devour it and stifle nerves so that the pain may not be immediate, but still iminent. High concentrations of HF acid gases can destroy the corneas of the eyes very quickly as well.

The Mammon machine fed from the energies of Lavos' blood. That is how humans were endowed with magic. Lavos had unknowingly, unwillingly, let the energies of his blood seep into some of my ancestors eons ago, who became the first Enlightened. Hydrofluoric acid was a product only found from top Kajar scholars for various experiments. Had I had the opportunity to get close enough to the Mammon machine that day, I would have given Lavos cardiac arrest most likely, as HF acid can cause this if it makes it into the blood stream.

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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 04:45:06 pm »
To be honest, I studied the Mamoon machine

The Mammon machine fed from the energies of Lavos' blood. That is how humans were endowed with magic.

Had I had the opportunity to get close enough to the Mammon machine that day, I would have given Lavos cardiac arrest most likely, as HF acid can cause this if it makes it into the blood stream.

The Mammon Machine was new, but the Enlightened already had magic, they did not get it from the machine.

And the character Schala was close to the Mammon Machine, when she activated it.

Again, I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're getting at.

Schala Zeal

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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 06:15:08 pm »
This was a direct conduit for magic, as opposed to before so. Also, yes I was close enough to activate it, but I didn't have the opportunity, as I said. I expected Mother to turn her back to me but I underestimated her audience. Mostly all of the attendees were loyal subordinates and when she wasn't looking, they were...

The only thing that vial spilled on that day was a lower catwalk after it fell out of my robes during the destruction and shattered, melting part of it.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2010, 03:09:08 am »
Queen Zeal's my favorite Chrono character. The way that she shuts off her emotions is something that I find really interesting.
I believe that she was a person who was not meant to be a Queen of a kingdom. But when her husband died, she was forced into becoming the Queen of Zeal. She probably was afraid of appearing weak to her subjects. She was probably looking for some way to prove herself to her subjects when she found Lavos.
That's my theory anyway.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 01:39:58 pm »
It was specifically noted that when the Mammon machine was built that the Queen "changed overnight." Thus, it is reasonable to assume that she was good at one point. This is confirmed by Janus noting that the Queen as Crono & Co saw her was not his mother anymore.

To note, the Queen's motivation seems different than Lavos' motivation. Why would Lavos want to wake up early? Why would it want to grant a mortal eternal life? Its goal was to feed, destroy the world, and send its spawn into space; the Queen doesn't factor in as far as I can tell. As such, it seems unlikely that she was brainwashed by Lavos.

Given that in CC Lavos is identified as a sort of source of contamination, it is most likely that QZ was once good, got an overdose of Lavos radiation, and turned evil, but that this change supressed her innate good and exagerated her innate evil, not that it added any new evil.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2010, 07:34:28 am »
If we ever get a new Chrono game, I'd like to see a flashback to before Queen Zeal went crazy.
We never got to see, what she, was like before Lavos, which is sad, cause she's an interesting character.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2010, 09:02:09 am »
If we ever get a new Chrono game, I'd like to see a flashback to before Queen Zeal went crazy.
We never got to see, what she, was like before Lavos, which is sad, cause she's an interesting character.

I agree.  It would be fascinating to see what kind of person she was before she was corrupted by Lavos' power.

Schala Zeal

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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2010, 02:18:59 pm »
If we ever get a new Chrono game, I'd like to see a flashback to before Queen Zeal went crazy.
We never got to see, what she, was like before Lavos, which is sad, cause she's an interesting character.

I agree.  It would be fascinating to see what kind of person she was before she was corrupted by Lavos' power.

Lance discusses this happening with Chrono Echoes. Though, you're out of luck, canonically.


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2010, 12:49:21 am »
Mother dearest has always been the wicked one. Janus has no good memory of her...King Zeal fair and naive.  :kz

There was a friendly but naive king who wed a very nasty queen...The King was loved, and the king was feared...Til one day strolling in his court, an arrow pierced the kind king's heart. He lost his life by his lady love...


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2010, 12:00:23 pm »
It's quite logical that Queen Zeal was a kind, gentle person at one point, this is probably where Schala's selfless personality came from. The fact that Queen Zeal's personality "changed overnight" we can assume this is why Schala's personality remained unchanged.

Queen Zeal beat me up once...


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Re: The Official Queen Zeal Discussion Thread
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2010, 04:43:41 pm »
The only reason I see evidence of Queen Zeal not always being the way she was in CT is Janus telling Schala that she's changed.

Personalities aren't necessarily always genetic.  Both the King and the Queen could have been horrible people even from the start, and Schala could have still been born as a kind, meek person nonetheless.

Or who knows?  Maybe Schala's meekness came as a result of the Queen becoming ruthless and cruel.  It's very psychologically probable.  A person can only be harshly abused for so long before the abuse begins to completely alter them.  It happens to strong-willed and weak-willed people alike.  You become submissive in order to simply survive, because fighting back or resisting in any way could come with immense pain or even death.  I could easily see Queen Zeal threatening Janus' life in order to keep Schala doing what she wanted her to do.