Author Topic: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!  (Read 17540 times)


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Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:23:19 pm »
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor and my scanner, we have the full Chrono Cross Bandai card game scanned and ready for viewing. It includes a deck of 60 cards, and was distributed in Carddas machines in Japan. The deck is effectively useless right now because it's in Japanese, so I've added it to the Material Requiring Translation page, where it can languish with all the other countless gems and hidden insights of Chrono knowledge eternally beyond our grasp. To view the cards one by one, go here; to download the entire thing right now, click here (45.2 MB). It's May, so remember to do the impossible, see the invisible, touch the untouchable, and break the unbreakable. This is the springtime of youth! As Karsh would say, OHHH YEAAAAAAAAAH!!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 11:27:21 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 01:50:45 am »
Ooooh, you even got the rules sheet! Once someone does a translation, this might really put a twist on "Compendium Card Game" Saturdays.


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 10:19:30 am »
Fantastic! Thanks to our mysterious benefactor.


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 01:19:59 pm »
Wow, those look awesome! I hope we can translate the rules soon and learn how to play the game!


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 01:50:43 pm »
A lot of what's on the cards themselves is just English transcribed as hiragana. My kana recognition skills suck dead donkeys through a straw, but here's what I've been able to decipher:

In the box with HP/### at the top, the kana in the second line (beside the card number) are just a transcription of the character's name into hiragana: on card 01 they read Se-ru-ji-(u)--"Serge". The line below the field circles is e-re-me-n-to--"Element(s)". The elements themselves are harder to figure out, since they're dragging some stuff that isn't transcribed English into the mix. On 01, the first is indecipherable (the characters are e-tsu-ku-nu-kiri, and "kiri" is written with a kanji that indicates it means cut or slash, but "e-tsu-ku-nu" has me completely baffled), the second is fu-ri-i-zu--"freeze", probably, and the third is re-e-za-a--"laser", I would guess.

The yellow box on the lower left is labelled "Special rules" (tokushu ru-u-ru). Unfortunately, it uses kanji, which are a lot tougher to identify than kana. On card 01, I think the first line just says "Serge is everyone's leader", and the second line refers to him getting +100 a-tsu-hu on his first turn, whatever atsuhu is (it could also be "atsupu" or even "atsubu"--I can't tell whether that little mark near the upper-right of the last character is a diacrit or just a smudge--but none of them suggest anything to me).

The line across the top says, in part, (c)1999 Square Character Design: (c)1999 Square, but the four kanji on the upper right are too small for me to see them clearly (and have no furigana, which means I need a stroke count to have a hope in hell of figuring out what they say. I'd bet on a proper name).

Using Guile's card (#39) as a control...

Lower right box: Alf (A-ru-fu in katakana), "elements" below the field effect again. The elements themselves are to-u-so-o-do (probably [something] Swords. Ten Swords? If this is WandaSwords, Serge's first element could be his "Dash and Slash" tech...except that it has the wrong element colour. X-Strike is a red, though. Or the elements may not match the real Cross elements at all), re-tsu-do-a-a-su (??? no idea whatsoever, except for the vague possibility that "doaasu" might be "doors"), te-to-ki-shi-n ("tokis(h)in" might be "toxin", i.e. poison. "te" is Japanese for "hand", among other things. Hmmm.)

Lower left box: Still labelled "Special Rules".

First line: hito(hito)[man--is this repeated or not?] o {odoro[surprise] ka-se-ru}[verb unit?] sugo[kanji from "sugoi"=weird/amazing] ude[ability] no matsu[look forward to?] tsuyan: I have no idea what this really says, although I'd bet on something resembling "International Man of Mystery" :lol: It took me a looooooong time to figure out what the "odoro" character was--the first furigana could easily have been a, ne, or re as well as o. In any case, it seems to be a description of the character rather than anything to do with the card as such.

The second line is almost identical to Serge's, except that it says he gets +50 atsupu (I'm almost certain now that the last character is a "pu") on his first turn. Wild guess: "atsupu" could be a very weird abbreviation for "attack points" (ATP). The rules may shed more light on this.

Conclusions: larger scans of the bottoms of the cards (big enough to clearly ID furigana and tell how many strokes are in unfamiliar kanji) would make this easier. In order to make the game playable, we probably only need to translate the rules and the second line of each "special rules" box (not even that, really, if they're all of the "+X atsupu on first turn" variety). And my Japanese really does suck--two cards took me most of the morning. :(


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 07:56:20 pm »

EDIT: Slight changes, text looks nicer.

So I just cooked up a translated card template.

All the fonts are editable and the giant "CHRONO CROSS" special effect box is it's own layer for easy mass-translation. I translated Japanese names to English-game equivalent (aka Laser is Photon Ray)

However, translating all the Special Rules is beyond my ability.  I am happy to make translated versions of every single card, provided the special rules can be translated by someone. I can also edit the rulebook to be english, if someone spends the time translating it :P.

NOTE: I know the fonts aren't exactly "blended in" with the rest, but I will obviously spend the time to make it more seamless should translated test start heading my way :-)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 08:08:08 pm by Radicalwind »


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 07:58:32 pm »
Nice work. If we get any translators to commit, I'll let you know ASAP!


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2010, 08:28:08 pm »
Oooh, that looks gnarly!


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2010, 08:50:49 pm »
Just looking at the katakana in the Elements, I've come up with these translations. I'm not the best, but I'll continue to post more as I go. Feel free to fill in what I have missing.

01 Serge
X Slash --> X-Strike
Freeze --> Ice Blast
Laser --> Photon Ray/Beam

02 Serge
Dash Slash --> Dash & Slash
Fire Ball
Leaf --> Bushwhacker

03 Serge
Shining --> Holy Light
Burning --> Fire Pillar

04 Kid
Aqua Beam

05 Kid
Red Needle --> Red Pin
Fuiruburatsuku --> ??? (free black?)
Discharge --> Electro Jolt

06 Lynx
Stray Cats --> Feral Cats
Merutosutoon --> ???
Shooting --> Photon Ray/Beam

07 Glenn
Sword Sonic --> Sonic Sword
Fire Ball

08 Leena
Maiden Heart/Faith
Kuria --> ??? (cure?)

09 Poshul
Pushiyu Shiyuruu --> ??? (Poshul's catchphrase, "PO-SHU-SHU!")
Shooting --> Photon Ray/Beam
Ice Lance

10 Razzly
Raburin Sutaa --> Raz-Star
Fuoton --> ??? (photon?)

11 Riddel
?Mireizaa --> ???
Discharge --> Electro Jolt

12 Karsh
Aura Axe --> Axial Axe
Kea --> ??? (cure?)

13 Zoah
Spin Attack --> Gyronimo
Furatsudo --> ???
Aero Saucer

14 Marcy
Rain Supaaku --> String Phone
Uuhaa --> ???
Deisubaasu --> ???
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 12:34:18 pm by Kodokami »


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2010, 08:54:33 pm »
@Radicalwind: I think you've been more profitably employed than I have. ;) One suggestion: I think it might be better to stick to sans-serif fonts for the copyright notices, the "Special Rules" header, and the word "Elements". Other than that, it's very well done.

I've figured out those four kanji in the upper-right-corner copyright. Problem is, I have no idea how they should be read.

(Okay, that probably doesn't make sense unless you know a little about the Japanese language and how it's written, so let me unpack. Most of the complex characters known as kanji have two canonical pronunciations, which makes going phonetically from kanji to romaji--that is, the Roman alphabet--difficult. With normal words, the exact pronounciation doesn't matter so much (since you're after the concept), but proper names, which is what I think these kanji represent, can't be handled that way. And to add to the problem, kanji used in proper names are sometimes pronounced in ways that have nothing to do with the canonical pronounciations.)

Anyway, from left to right, the kanji are:
ketsu, musu, yu (tie/conclude)
jou, shiro (castle)
shin (trust/faith)
ki, kagaya (shine, radiant)

"Ketsujou Shinki" would be a possible reading, but there are at least, er, (3x2x1x2)-1=11 others, and I can't mangle any of them around to match the name of anyone involved in Cross. Sorry. A real translator I am not, but I'll continue playing with this until someone better comes along, and spamming everyone with the results. ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2010, 10:32:51 am »
Till the cards are translated I'm going on hunger strike!




Darn I'm hungry...

Wait, Serge with Freezer / Lazer? Did they actually use those in Jap version of CC?


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2010, 07:29:22 pm »
Thanks for the font suggestions. I'm no artist, so any suggestions are totally fine. TRUST me, I won't feel insulted you have a suggestion to make the template look better ;).

Also, don't bother translating elements; I have translated them all already. I just need "Special Rules" text :-).

Oh and that upper-right kanji. Noooo idea what that says.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 07:31:05 pm by Radicalwind »


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2010, 08:30:29 pm »
In a fit of utter madness this morning, probably brought on by sleep deprivation, I began work on the actual rules card. I think I'm making some progress, but it's going to be a few more days before I'm willing to go public with even one of the tentative bits of Engrish hamburger I've been posting so far. (I'm going to drag a couple of on-line automatic translation services into things along with my kanji dictionary, three Japanese-English dictionaries, and meager knowledge of the language, and see whether they clear up some of the things I'm not sure of, or confuse me even more. ;P Fortunately, all the kanji except the ones in that copyright notice seem to have furigana attached, and my kana recognition is improving rapidly from the exercise.)


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2010, 09:15:25 pm »
Quote from: Radicalwind
Also, don't bother translating elements; I have translated them all already.

Ah, great. Much faster than I, haha. This appears to be moving along smoothly. Keep up the good work, Radicalwind and alfadorredux. I will still gladly help if I can be of any use.


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Re: Chrono Cross - The Card Game now at your fingertips!
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2010, 09:37:48 pm »

Took advice on San-Serif fonts (Like? Dislike?), made the copyright info all on the same line.

I have "finished" 8 cards so far