So here's the deal, I'm currently working on the user interface for a videogame and wanted peoples opinions on things to do with the in game HUD. All I can tell you about the game is that it's a post-apocalyptic first person shooter.
I'd like to know how you's like the following things to be displayed to you when you're playing a game.
- Hit Points/Vitality
- Crosshair
- Stamina/Oxygen
- Radiation/Infection
- Alert message positioning
- Ammo and Grenades
- Radar/Compass
- Weapon Heat
- Experience Points and Levelling Up
- Scoring
- Player/Character Name
- Inventory/Status Screens
- Giant Freaking Laser Cannon Ammo (Because I said so!)
- ...And feel free to add anything you think is important, it all helps!
Not all are applicable to the game I'm working on this for but I'd still be interested in knowing. So please, take a moment to share your opinions and other such stuff, it will be much appreciated.