Hi, this is my first post here, so I do not know if it's here to post this and just to let you know, I am Brazilian, so if I make any English mistake, correct me!
- Total Progress: 1%
- History: 1%
- WorldMaps
65000000BC: 0%
12000BC: 0%
600AD: 100%
1000AD: 100%
1999AD: 100%
2300AD: 20%
News and Updates
- I will let you walk in 1999AD and Visit Domes and Factories.
Some Informations
I'm trying to make the maps really like in original Chrono Trigger. History? I'm just thinking in continue with the end that Crono, Marle and Lucca are searching for Crono's Mom, yet...
Maps? Here:
Still without one island in both, but I'm working in it. In 1999AD I will change some stuffs.
What About the Enemies?
The enemies? Will have the basic monster (Blue Imp, Roly, Hetake, Green Imp, etc... oh! And Naga-ette too!) and all the non-released monsters. I will add some other tipe of monsters.
The Battle System, something ready?
Yeah! The battle system is 90% like the original Chrono Trigger! Look at the Screenshot:
I'll change some stuffs like the BattleWindow.
Wanna look a Video of the Battle with Lavos Shell and Lavos Core?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX1EW8P7VUwBoss Battle Test + Boss Collapse + Menu Overview:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6KcJnQtYmMNext Video: I don't know, maybe some parts of the game itself?
For who wants to see how the game is going on, just visit:
https://picasaweb.google.com/115117502889400250430/ChronoTriggerNothingIsOverYetScreens#It just has
8 screenshots for now, but later I'll add more screens.
Thats it for now, I'll update the topic later. Bye!