LOL it might not be, but you can still use tricks!
Tip 1: Instead of shaping the polygons of the lace/string yourself, just rig it with Spline IK or something and simulate realism based on weight and gravity. The option's available in most 3D apps, but I hope Blender has it too.
Tip 2: Make the pendant vibrant GOLD with some bump-maps as those fancy cuts you normally see in jewelry! XD There's some tutorials around for making Gold materials to use on objects.
Tip 3: Make the jewel of that pendant FLAT (beveled inside), apply a different, though glowing, material to it. Next, place a rounded glass on top of the flat surface. Clear glass, cut like a diamond, increase the reflection and refraction ridiculously high (but just the right amount). With sufficient rays of light this oughta sparkle like God's business.