oh and one more thing i need to now all the admins when i'm done i've even found a server hoster so people can play anytime when its done
umm it going slower now but thinks to the help of some people the projects underway
admin order:(no i don't know how they r yet i will pick 5)
admin 1 = chrono's dad has the power of chaos ( yes i'm adding to the story ad making shit up
admin 2 = larvos ( yes there will be larvos he is an eyball till he taps some one thin forms the huge one )
admin 3 = human frog ( this is for admins and some players if u get the masamune..oh and theres only one
admin 4 = the pink robo ( big name don't feal like spelling it out starts with an A )
admin 5= KING ZEAL (and maybe quean zeal if it goes good )
oh and 5 new quest have bean added