his explanations do tend to make you wince, don't they? Keep in mind, though, that you don't need a complete mastery of using the English language or any other language for that matter to be a bloody brilliant programmer.
Basically, what he has so far, or what he wishes to release as public information is that the main story line of the game revolves around Lavos, as it does in Chrono Trigger. Like any MMO, you go through and do tons of side quests to get gear, loot, money, exp., The sidequests themselves will probably tie somewhat into the main story line, though I'm sure a lot of them will probably not, but they will tie into each other.
For the record, shrooms, it's 'Epoch' which basically means 'a pocket of time'.
I do think that the classes suggested so far are well over-done. What you guys need are some classes that are Chrono Trigger specific, or as close to it as possible. Chrono Trigger has a great story and is very in-depth as we've all seen from some of the conversations we've had here. I hope that you don't get lazy and make a bubblegum mmo, because there are countless mmo's out there and you want this one to stand out and be great, not just good.
Also, for the record, 'imp' wouldn't be a class, but a race. Classes would be like, Fighter, Black Mage, White Mage, etc.
I think the classes should be based on what type of magic you can be. This would limit it to the standard CT ones: Lightning (Sky), Fire, Water, Ice, Shadow and Non.
Obviously, certain races wouldn't be able to use certain magics, so they would be limited to the types they are able to use. This is going to require a lot of research of the original game if you want it to remain true.
I do look forward to when the beta testing will be done and I even look forward to such a time where a Chrono Cross Expansion would be considered.
Best of luck.