Portuguese is easy, but its also complex. As long as you know all six pronouns and verbs that go with them, you shouldnt have a trouble speaking. I'll give you a little lesson.
I.................................................... Eu
You (Informal)................................ Tu
You, He, She.................................. Voce, Ele, Ela
We, Us.......................................... Nos (with accent)
You (Plural)................................... Vos (also with accent)
They, They (male), They (female)... Voces, Eles, Elas
Let me just say sorry, i have no character map, so i can't generate accents which sucks because i can't speak without them.
Let's do the Verb "IR" which means to go.
Eu (Vou) - I Go...It'll come naturally when you learn it
Tu (Vais) - You Go... Tu is considered informal so its distinguished with 's'
Voce (Vai) - Voce, Ele, and Ela use this, its semi-formal and acceptable by all.
Nos (Vamos) Anything that is "We or Us" always has MOS, at the end of it.
Vos (Ides) Kinda going extinct no one really uses Ides anymore.
Voces (Vao) with an accent, it sounds MUCH different
Go here
www.verbix.comSorry to confuse you.