It's been a hectic year for me with responsibilities hitting me (and literally punching and kicking me) more so than I could realize that I have a life. At least I found enough time to buy and read
Young Sherlock Holmes - Death Cloud within a week's time, and now before I get to modeling for Maya (for assignments) or learning Blender (extra knowledge is good) I need finish showing off my capabilities with 2D animation and director skillz,
along with finishing my novel.
Now to the point: Tried and tested, I've been working on many angles for my Fleabane/Chrono-movie about Flea's initial identity, but wasn't satisfied enough with them. I decided to go back to the visualization phase but story-boarding on paper is just too limited for my needs so I decided to go for a bigger leap - 3D story-boarding for a 2D animation. Don't blame me, I'm in a Springtime of Youth.
Anyway, I require some landscape models (low poly or high, textured or not, doesn't matter) and some pre-rigged characters (man, woman, and child, all most preferably free) for 3DsMax in order to build a custom visualization test for the project. Anybody know where I can get em?
BTW interesting tool for artists here.