Author Topic: In Need of a Made Sprite  (Read 3283 times)


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In Need of a Made Sprite
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:15:58 am »
i am in Need of a Sprite For a guy called Citysm  I tried myself but the part i get stuck on is making hes Whole body, i got to hes Sword,  if you would like to use it on a Game sprite go ahead, as long as you either give me tips or something just Please


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 03:58:05 am »
Hello. Generally, forum etiquette dictates that it is better to keep your similar ideas in one thread, rather than make a bunch of them. Also, this thread might be more well-suited for a different sub-forum like... I dunno one of those project forums or something.

At this point here, I don't think anyone cares anymore, but just in general. We used to have a mod who was very strict about certain things, but he's busy having a life now (I mean that in a good way :3) so he hasn't really been around.

The most you'll have is people bitching at you or Zeality will troll if he's in the mood. I used to do that a lot, not troll, but bitch about threads like this,  but since you are young and new, I won't.

Good luck with your sprite.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 09:02:58 am »
Youth really shouldn't be used as an excuse, though. I mean, we say we don't hold peoples youth against them, and then we give them special allowances. Learn to think things through quicker a bit, he might, if rude you be. Apparently since he's still looking for help getting to level 99 on CT, even though many people have explained how already, it's proof that things don't sink in too well. So, if you want things to sink in, you have to make them stand out.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 06:40:08 pm »
Hayden, why don't you post your sprite-in-progress here so more experienced spriters can give you tips and help you along?


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2010, 10:47:23 pm »
Youth really shouldn't be used as an excuse, though. I mean, we say we don't hold peoples youth against them, and then we give them special allowances. Learn to think things through quicker a bit, he might, if rude you be. Apparently since he's still looking for help getting to level 99 on CT, even though many people have explained how already, it's proof that things don't sink in too well. So, if you want things to sink in, you have to make them stand out.

Well, I guess... but I remember when I was his age and I was probably a lot worse. I used to think up ways to be annoying and spam and didn't get a lot of things because of my ADD. I don't think that he's doing it on purpose, at least. I think in general it's better to be courteous the first time and then be bitchier subsequent times. People make annoying threads in here all the time. Does that tripod person still post? I mean, since V's been gone, no one is going to "Locke" the threads and it's either going to turn to Zeality spamming, or someone bitching if it continues.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 06:34:51 am »
I don't think he's doing it on purpose, either, and I think that any mental disorder can be overcome with sufficient effort on the part of the victim of it. I mean, with mental disorders, you're stuck with them your entire life, but there are ways that people can work with them if they only try hard enough. Problem is, just like anybody else, they either don't think they can overcome it, or don't think to even try. If they always use it as an excuse because people tell them to, then... I just don't believe in going easy on people just because they have something that holds them back. A lot of times, they just want to be treated like everyone else, unless they enjoy being pampered to. I do always try the nice approach first, though.

I suffer from Bipolar, Depression and PTSD, and I have had countless insecurities because of the way my life has gone. In the past 5 years of bending my entire will towards getting over them, I have made significant strides towards learning how to deal with it all and in controlling my anger. I like to be in control of myself. What I have gone through and the changes i Have made have given me great confidence in myself to do what I need to do for myself. It's been really hard, no doubt.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2010, 07:49:38 am »
^ I'm really happy you have that attitude. I used to suffer really badly from depression, but before that my ADHD was also bringing me down. Also, recently I have found out that my dad qualifies as being a High-functioning autistic, and my mom and I may have Aspergers, so... I guess I had more mental problems than I thought. These days, the ADHD is kind of hard sometimes with times I need to concentrate, but it seems like the Aspergers with its obsessive and obsessive compulsive habits has kind of taken over a bit... Speaking of which, I don't mean this in the usual disrespectful way, but I think that Zeality must have  Aspergers. I can't imagine who else would spend so much time on the Chrono series and other projects. Really, it's usually the Aspergers people who do stuff like that.

This quiz is quite accurate in case anyone's interested- . Online diagnoses do have to be taken with a grain of salt, but I had several friends take this quiz, and the ones I thought weren't at all Aspergers scored very low, while ones I thought were more Aspergers scored at least as high as I did.

I also wasn't really happy when I was living at home. My mom kind of traumatized me into a lot of problems I have now, I think, but once I moved out at 18, things became better. Now mom and I get along well because I don't have to live with her, and only have to deal with dad and his "cranky old man syndrome" as I call it. Depression really sucks. When I have these insomnia problems, I am in fear that it will return again and take over my life : (. All I hope is that I won't have to medicate myself and that I can get over the insomnia fast enough so it doesn't turn to depression.

Anyway, I know some people whose parents put them on medication and basically let them get away with the mental disorders ruining their lives. This is a big point of contention with me and one of my best friends. I've known him since 2002 and I don't think he really managed to do anything with his life after he passed that High School Diploma test. GED I think it was? He takes one class at a time at the JC, sometimes worse, and gets stoned and drunk whenever he's not playing video games, or coming over to my place to play video games. I have a lot of disrespect for him that I manage to generally keep to myself unless we are having a political debate, and then we don't talk for up to a year because I think we hate each other for that long before we come "crawling" back to each other.

I just realized that the next friend I would be complaining about actually still sometimes posts here, so I'll spare that drama and just say I'm really not in the mental state for this. My insomnia has lasted like... 12 days now, and I'm getting high anxiety. I swear, my online friends sometimes give me so much grief that I just don't want to bother anymore. Right now, only one online friend is great to talk to. I have never had a problem with them. I'm just getting tired of it all and I think I'm not only getting too old for message boards, but for online friends too. If I weren't concerned it would upset certain people, I would go on a long ass AIM hiatus again. Actually, maybe I should...

Sorry, guess this belongs in the frustration thread :|.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 07:53:21 am by ZaichikArky »


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2010, 11:09:12 am »
that's alright, I think this thread was doomed to go off-topic pretty quickly anyway.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2010, 12:27:08 pm »
Let's turn the beat around and ask someone to spam it XD.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2010, 07:32:58 pm »
Hayden, why don't you post your sprite-in-progress here so more experienced spriters can give you tips and help you along?

Well The thing is i do not know how to make it more Chrono-Trigger Like, i am keep thinking it will end up to look like Some Random Colors.

The only thing i am good at is the sword At the Moment.
Youth really shouldn't be used as an excuse, though. I mean, we say we don't hold peoples youth against them, and then we give them special allowances. Learn to think things through quicker a bit, he might, if rude you be. Apparently since he's still looking for help getting to level 99 on CT, even though many people have explained how already, it's proof that things don't sink in too well. So, if you want things to sink in, you have to make them stand out.

I ment a faster  way i always fight the Nu's at the Hunting forest but its no good, I fight everything i can, i made 15 new game +'s,  Its about to turn to 16 soon,
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 07:40:02 pm by Hayden »


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2010, 02:42:18 am »
^ The first thing should be in a different forum, not general discussion. Either that, or it should have stayed in your previous thread.

The second thing you need to learn how to do some research for. I am sure that if Zeality doesn't have it somewhere on the site, you could look it up on gamefaqs. Also, listen to the advice of others who have explained this to you. Always try to do something yourself before you make a thread about it. Even if you have tried to do it yourself, make sure to look in different places. I'm not sure why you need 15 game pluses to make it to 99. Try having a little more patience and keep going with the same game +. That's the best way to get all the endings anyway, just follow the game along on your first game +. Not to be snarky, but is there a reason that you want to achieve level 99 other than just for the sake of it? I guess I get bored of doing something like that. You usually need to have a lot of patience.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2010, 03:31:17 am »
I meant a faster  way i always fight the Nu's at the Hunting forest but its no good, I fight everything i can, i made 15 new game +'s,  Its about to turn to 16 soon,

Uh, dude, I explained in your thread how you could do it in a fresh game, before even getting to a New Game +. The only faster way is to use a gameshark.


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2010, 03:45:51 pm »
I meant a faster  way i always fight the Nu's at the Hunting forest but its no good, I fight everything i can, i made 15 new game +'s,  Its about to turn to 16 soon,

Uh, dude, I explained in your thread how you could do it in a fresh game, before even getting to a New Game +. The only faster way is to use a gameshark.

Your now Changing the Topic, Listen if your not gonna tell me how to make a sprite or anything then just go the hell away.

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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2010, 05:48:20 pm »
Just...look up a tutorial on the interent. Or again, if you need a source of sprites, go to the Spriter's Resource website....that's one of the best spriting places on the web...


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Re: In Need of a Made Sprite
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2010, 02:47:36 am »
Spriteing just takes a lot of patience and time. If you want it to look like a chrono trigger sprite, first get a chrono trigger sprite. Thats what I do. For instance. . .


This is a sprite sheet I made for Harle. She has schala's face, Literally. I took Schala, drew the jester hat, and did the face in gray and white. She has Magus's arms and gloves and side view cape. I just changed the colors. If you can't sprite, than take a bunch of sprites, and go all 'mad scientist' on it. I think the best way to learn how to sprite, is to take a pre-made sprite and turn it into your own creation, before you can start by scratch.

Plus there are many tutorials: